Travellers To Unimaginable Lands on Radio 4


Registered User
May 30, 2022
Book of the week on Radio 4 is Travellers To Unimaginable Lands by Dasha Kiper, a series of case studies about dementia carers. It's on every morning this week at 9.45, and I have just listened to episode 1 on BBC Sounds. So many "oh, it's not just me" moments in the first episode alone. Each instalment is only 15 minutes long, so it is not a big time commitment. I highly recommend this serialisation, and may check out the full book (which I hadn't heard of before).


Registered User
Jul 17, 2017
Thanks for the recommendation. I hadn’t heard of book before, but sounds great. Will check it out.


Registered User
Apr 21, 2022
Book of the week on Radio 4 is Travellers To Unimaginable Lands by Dasha Kiper, a series of case studies about dementia carers. It's on every morning this week at 9.45, and I have just listened to episode 1 on BBC Sounds. So many "oh, it's not just me" moments in the first episode alone. Each instalment is only 15 minutes long, so it is not a big time commitment. I highly recommend this serialisation, and may check out the full book (which I hadn't heard of before).
Hi @Kristatos I came on here today to plug the same thing. So incredibly affirming to hear such an insightful and comprehensive laying out of the psychological impact of dementia on carers and the question of whether actually in many cases its the carer who is driven to a great deal of trauma and confusion by the complexity of the relationships that arise.
My Mother is now a little past the worst of the arguments and battles (touch wood) but it has been awful - incredibly confusing and distressing. You do get drawn into their world and it's hard to be objective. Then you worry that people will think you are exaggerating (as was said in an episode) or that you have your own agenda when you just want to understand, help and bring some reality to the situation.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2019
Thank you for the recommendation. I listened on BBC Sounds last night - it was such a relief to realise that I am not going mad looking after my dad with vascular I had felt I was! It was just so helpful. I find that my dad varies from being confused to lucid and I am finding it so difficult to deal with...