NHS Continuing Healthcare to be Featured on BBC Radio 4’s Inside Health Programme


Registered User
Oct 1, 2014
I'm not sure they have shut down completely - the web page still says they aren't currently able to take referrals. Having said that, it's not much help to the OP. The page does give a list of groups that might be able to help though, so I'm going to give a link to that page anyway.

Thanks Jennifer, I had already seen that and put in a call to the CAB. They have referred me on so I will see what happens but I'm not expecting much........................


Account Closed
Apr 12, 2014
CHC Funding

I never saw the CHC assessment list for my step mother as she died within a week of entering care.
From what I was told she only scored severe for behaviour and I have to agree that was the main problem by far.
She did not have many falls etc.
What I suggest happened was some discretion had to be used as it was clear she could not be let out because of the strong possibility she could have killed a child.
The main reason she had to be locked away was to protect the public and to some extent herself.
It was not reasonable any of the family or myself should have been expected to pay basically to protect other peoples children.



Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
Lena I sent you a private message a couple of days ago to tell you about my own situation. Have you been able to access it?

Not so Rosy

Registered User
Nov 30, 2013
Hi Nita

No sorry, I haven't seen a private message from you. Where would I find it?

Hi Lena, just in case you havent sussed it yet, go to the blue bar at the top of the page and click on Notifications. Your private messages will be found there.


Registered User
Oct 1, 2014
Hi Lena, just in case you havent sussed it yet, go to the blue bar at the top of the page and click on Notifications. Your private messages will be found there.

Hi N S Rosy, I did as you suggested and it says 'no messages', it must have got lost in the post!


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
Sorry, Lena. Just seen your post belatedly! Have re-sent the message. Let me know if you get it OK. Go to Notifications at the top of the page and look in your inbox.

Hi N S Rosy, I did as you suggested and it says 'no messages', it must have got lost in the post!