Tough one today.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
((hugs)) muggers. It's hard to watch those you love suffer, especially when you know they are nearing the end. more ((hugs))

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
Mum clearly showing signs of pain today, wincing, frowning and fidgeting, I contacted district nurses who came out to her, they decided to administer some morphine and agitation meds from the just in case pack, they will come back tomorrow and assess her, maybe start her on a syringe driver. Was awful seeing her completely out of it, carers have been to change her, she didn’t wake up for that, I guess the choice of pain or sedated is a no brainer, after two months of no food, bedridden, no bowel movement for ten days and very little urine output just awful green jelly stuff coming away, I too would want to be sedated. 😞
cannot say more than me feeling your pain and sending you love, hugs and prayers for mum's final journey to peace and rest.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2024
Is your mum on a syringe driver @Muggers?
This should prevent the discomfort she seems to be experiencing.
Syringe driver is up and running, I’m spending the night with mum at her bedside, breathing is labored and noisy, just don’t want her to be on her own. Thanks for the support, it’s such a comfort xx


Registered User
Mar 21, 2020
Syringe driver is up and running, I’m spending the night with mum at her bedside, breathing is labored and noisy, just don’t want her to be on her own. Thanks for the support, it’s such a comfort xx
You’re doing absolutely what you feel is right. We sat with my partner 24/7 for a week before he passed. It was a surreal time but I felt so glad and privileged to have been on that final journey with him. I hope she passes peacefully.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2022
I am following with great sympathy and understanding, given that my mother is approaching a similar ordeal.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2024
Mum is literally hanging by a thread, just a flicker of her eyes, noisy breathing that looks like a struggle, no sleep is a small price to pay. Xx


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
This is so hard to witness
Mum reached the stage where I did not know how she was still alive, but she was.

Praying for strength for you and holding your virtual hand


Registered User
Mar 18, 2024
And so the dreaded night begins, I’m willing myself to keep my eyes open, the carers who came to change mums pad for bedtime both left in tears, as did both my grown up sons, my hubby brought me treats to help me through the night, feel physically sick if I’m honest. I can do this 💪