So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
I hope your peace and happy "Plateau of Peace" continues for as long as poss.
Thank you for your posts / knowledge/ etc


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
We have really enjoyed the past few days with lots of laughs especially at our Tuesday group this morning when Pauline was sparkling doing bits of craft work and winning at domino’s, which always pleases her. As usual while driving home she mentioned several times how far away it is from home and how long it takes (20 mins) but not complaint at all. When we arrived home in the sunshine and after I had parked up she stood looking towards the house roof so I asked if all was ok and her answer was certainly unexpected. “What’s behind those windows up there/“ I replied Bedroom and box room/office and she looked very thoughtful and went on, “I thought as much but I’ve been wondering. So one is our bedroom.” Nothing untoward of course but another marker of decline and change. This was accentuated as, after watching her Classic Corries this afternoon and then I played the latest one from last night that we missed and wow! I had to stop it as she seemed almost frightened trying to deal with it being 20 years apart. Fine since and watching Tipping Point quite happily. Hmm


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
I am pleased to hear your sunny plateau is continuing @Agzy . You are very finely tuned into Pauline and notice these little declines, but keep looking at the bigger picture, which is set fair at the moment. It’s good to share these things though. Hope tomorrow goes well.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
@Agzy , you are inspirational. The dementia journey is a difficult one but you look after Pauline so well. I love the way you adapt to her needs and moods. Enjoy these good days.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Not so pleasant this morning as it is Thursday, Daycare day, and her mood transmits her annoyance as she had breakfast and then she headed for the toilet. It took a while for me to realise she had taken a while and so I headed upstairs to find she had had an accident and underclothes and trousers on the floor as she stood trying to clean herself totally ignoring the alarm button to alert me. Got her cleaned and sorted but it was heartbreaking to see her distress and tears of embarrassment . I have a doctors appointment this morning as well so things could prove awkward.