Sleepless with dementia


New member
Sep 19, 2023
My mother is suffering from dementia. She is 91. She is taking BusPar for agitation. This has made a huge difference. However, nothing is helping with the sleepless nights. I have given her the following antipsychotics: Seroquel, Risperdal & now Zyprexa. None of these have worked. She is awake and wants to leave from 11:00 pm - to 4:30 am. I have also tried Valume and Trazadone. These DO NOT work. I am her main caregiver. I can not do this with no sleep. Does anyone out there have any suggestions? My doctor is absolutely no help. Thank you in advance for ANY help.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @SAPHIRE1932 and welcome to Talking Point. I am so sorry that your mom is not sleeping, it must be exhausting for you.
Unfortunately we cannot give you advice on what medication might work for your mom as the medication that might be available in the US could be different to what is available here in the U.K.
I can only suggest that you go back to your doctor and explain that the medications that they prescribed in the past have not worked and see what they can suggest.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
One of the problems with dementia is that them being up all night is frequently not due to insomnia, so medication to help them sleep does not work. The problem is a fractured sleep pattern due to loss of the circadian rhythms of the internal body clock. Once they can no longer tell the difference between day and night they often get them round the wrong way.

Once they stop sleeping at night it is very hard on the carer. If medication doesnt work, I can only suggest you sleep when they do and, if you can afford it, get someone in to watch over them at least one night a week while you sleep. Lack of sleep is often a reason why carers cannot continue to look after someone with dementia.