Should I stay or should I go?


Registered User
May 19, 2015
Don't worry, this isn't as permanent as it sounds. OH has been ill this week with a severe cold/flu (38.5 temperature at the beginning) and chest infection. I've taken time off work to look after him and to get him to the doc's for antibiotics, which we now have.
Usually, he'd recall a visit to the doctor or hospital, but he doesn't remember the one two days ago. Nor does he remember meeting and old friend in the queue at the chemist's (an old friend he didn't recognise, but who obviously knew him - and I reminded him when we got home who it had been).
He usually knows who I am, but this morning, he thought I was his sister. This is something that first happened when he had Covid in 2022.
The current health situation is affecting his balance. He tumbled backwards during the night on Sunday and today we had an appointment at the hospital, which we decided to keep. He tumbled over backwards when the nurse was taking his weight, etc.
Amidst all of this, he's stopped doing anything for himself. He's not making cups of tea, lunch, washing dishes... all the things he would normally be doing. Is that because I'm here? Is he becoming less self-reliant because I've taken time off work? Or does he need me to be here?
So, my question is should I stay (off work) or should I go (back to work)?
Your thoughts would be welcome.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Grable
I think all the problems - confusion, balance problems and forgetting to do things are because of the infection. Infections do horrible things to people with dementia and my OH is always like that whenever he gets one. Fortunately, he improves as the antibiotics clear the infection.

Im sure its not because you are there and I expect that he does need you at the moment