Selling house and power of attorney


Registered User
Aug 21, 2022
My dad was considering changing his will as my mum is in a care home and he’s thinking any inheritance will just go to the council. If I have POA for my mum and inherited my dad’s half of the house, would I be able to sell it? I don’t want to be lumbered with a house with bills to pay and I’m not sure if POA gives me that authority. Maybe none of this will happen but I’m not sure my mum would have capacity to agree to sell it.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Is this the situation you are thinking about.
Dad owns the house with mum as tenants in common.
He's intending leaving his share to you.
Dad predeceases mum.

You will jointly own the house with mum
The house will no longer be disregarded.
It will have to be sold to release mum's share for care.
You can sell mum's half using your POA.
Unless the POA stipulate it you should not need court approval.

Discuss a will trust with solicitor when making new will.


Registered User
Aug 21, 2022
Ok thanks, he wants to book a meeting with solicitor so I’ll go through it with them. I just don’t like the thought of half owning a property which I can’t sell and bills mounting up


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
If dad predeceases mum you won't be in the situation where the other joint owner refuses to sell and blocks the sale,

There is another scenario, mum predeceases dad.
Solicitor should sort it all out.


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
Yes do consult a solicitor. I have been looking into things lately and you can get yourself into trouble if it looks as though you have made these changes to avoid care fees.


Registered User
Aug 21, 2022
Yes do consult a solicitor. I have been looking into things lately and you can get yourself into trouble if it looks as though you have made these changes to avoid care fees.
It just seems ridiculous that if my dad was to go before my mum that the council would take everything. We wouldn’t be changing my mum’s will but will certainly check with solicitor


Registered User
Mar 9, 2024
I am in this situation.

If you and your mum have have a stake in the house and you hold the LPA for your mum you will need to get a deputy or another LPA to cater for your mum. You cannot sign for both interests unfortunately.


Registered User
Aug 21, 2022
I am in this situation.

If you and your mum have have a stake in the house and you hold the LPA for your mum you will need to get a deputy or another LPA to cater for your mum. You cannot sign for both interests unfortunately.
This is the sort of situation that worries me as I don’t want to end up paying utility bills and council tax on a house that I can’t sell. I have poa so it sounds like I wouldn’t be able to sell on her behalf


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
I have just done all this through a solicitor. The house had to be changed to tenants in common and the new will left my portion in trust for the children and grandchildren with my husband have a lifetime interest so receiving interest on the money but not the capital. I have also been told to do a letter of wishes to go with the will.
I also was told if I sell our house which I will have to do next year to keep paying the top up that another attorney had to act for my husband. I was a bit woolly over whether they then become his attorney or if its just for this issue.
It all sounds complex but I have done it in about 3 months and some of the hold ups were about witnesses and things.


Registered User
Aug 21, 2022
I have just done all this through a solicitor. The house had to be changed to tenants in common and the new will left my portion in trust for the children and grandchildren with my husband have a lifetime interest so receiving interest on the money but not the capital. I have also been told to do a letter of wishes to go with the will.
I also was told if I sell our house which I will have to do next year to keep paying the top up that another attorney had to act for my husband. I was a bit woolly over whether they then become his attorney or if its just for this issue.
It all sounds complex but I have done it in about 3 months and some of the hold ups were about witnesses and things.
The problem is I’m not sure my mum has the capacity to understand changing the tenancy of the house


Registered User
Feb 6, 2024
Your dad has every right to leave you his half of the house without any changes to tenancy.
If he dies first you can sell with poa.

If you mum dies first the house is his.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Do not worry about selling the house
Even if she has lost capacity and you own part of the house so that you cannot sign for her using POA, there are ways round it.
If there is no one else on the POA who can sign for her, then you have to get someone who is temporarily authorised to sign for her. I can't remember what they are called or how you get one, which is why I haven't posted before. I had hoped someone would explain this to you, but it is quite standard and the solicitor dealing with the house sale should know how to organise it


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
I’m not sure if your Mum has to agree to it. When I was looking into this more than twenty years ago (so my memory may be adrift) my husband, with full capacity, wasn’t happy with the idea even though I explained why it seemed a good idea. At the time he was suffering with depression and diabetes and it seemed a good idea that if anything happened to me and he ended up in care my half was left to our children.
Our solicitor friend did all the work for us which, as far as I remember, involved me signing a declaration severing the joint tenancy and changing it to tenants in common.
As I say, this was a long time ago and I may be wrong. His Will left everything to me so his half came to me anyway when he died.