self-funded fees and top-ups advice needed


Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
My dad has severe Alzheimers and prostate cancer and after being in hospital from June-Nov 22 he was placed in a nursing home by the hospital discharge team in Nov 22. As a family we were not involved in/consulted at all/I could never get hold of anyone about where he was placed, in fact I was called on a Tuesday to say they had found him a place and he was being moved 3 days later to a nursing home where he's been since on a Pathway 3 discharge till March. Dad was under DOLS when placed in the home.
As POA for dad I was on a call with ICB/carers at the home/social worker for a DST on 6th March and he was found not eligible for CHC (pretty borderline IMO) and I was told that he would be self-funding from this date onwards. He has savings so I said a financial assessment was needed.
After the DST call I was also told by the social worker the cost of the home is £678pw plus a top up of £25 per week. However I've now received the first invoice backdated to 6th March and that's for £878 + £25 top up. The £878 is what they charge for private self-funders.

So my questions are:
1. Although we/dad didn’t ask to be placed in this particular home it was the LA that placed him here, should we be paying the same rate the LA would pay because they placed him here or because he is self-funding does it automatically go to the private self-funding rate? We didn't get any choice/consultation at all, I just remember his consultant saying that dad had been refused from a few homes so they would keep trying to place him. I tried on several occasions to speak to dad's social worker/discharge team but they never got back to me.

2. If he is paying at the higher private self-funded rate why are they asking for a top-up? I was under the impression that top-ups were for when the LA pay for the home and the family is asked to top up. If he is self-funded at full rate then can I refuse the top-up? They haven't said anything about who pays the top-up (e.g. dad or family) it's just on invoice as a separate charge and I have received no details/T&C's about a top up or the home in general.

3. When he was moved to this home he was at the very end of a corridor and nurse said if a room closer in becomes available they will move him. A few weeks later he was moved closer to a room slightly bigger. We never asked for this move and as far as I can see the room is the same as others, all en-suite. Surely the top up fee can’t be for moving him closer?
From what I’ve seen this has no more benefit to him being checked on as he spends most time in his room as he’s immobile and needs a hoist for everything. Again the use of a hoist was never mentioned as a top-up issue?

4. On the invoice backdated to 6th March there is also no mention of FNC contribution. However dad is eligible for it and I have this in writing that it has been paid to the home from 15th Jan 2023 onwards. On (which I presume the home gives information to for its listing) it states self-funded nursing dementia care from £878pw but no mention of FNC. So the home are also getting the £209pw FNC for dad but not removing it from his bill.

I have questioned all of this with the finance manager so I’m waiting a reply but I don’t want to be on the back foot if they start claiming I have to pay higher rate and top ups.

I have also asked for the homes T&C’s and details of what is actually covered in the fees. All I have had from them is an introduction letter and basic invoice.

I have also asked for a copy of dad’s care plan. Am I allowed to have this? A nurse ran through it with me when he moved there and said it was held on computer and they don’t give it out. Is this correct?

We are happy with the home, it’s not fancy but staff are nice and dad is settled. However its 30 minutes away for mum who doesn’t drive so she has to rely on my brothers to take her as I live 200 miles away so I can only visit dad once a month. There is a much more expensive home 5 mins walk from mum so she’d be able to go every day so I am considering this although it will wipe out dad’s savings.
I am about to call re AA as dad was getting this at the higher rate before he went into hospital so I’m hoping they will re-instate it now he’s in a nursing home.
Many thanks.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
no idea what the top is is even about- dad pays his fees- why does anyone else be presumed to pay anything?
Top of is normally what families of funded residents sometimes need to find .

Ask the home- They will presumably have a reason for adding it. Seems very odd


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
A top up normally applies to LA funded fees not private self funders. Also, in order for any top up fee to be charged you would have to give 'informed consent' for them to do so. If during the discussion about costs with the social worker you have agreed £678pw + £25pw then that's the only thing you have consented to. It sounds like you have been given incorrect info by the social worker in regard to the fees and the home are also incorrectly charging a top up fee which should not apply to a self funder unless you have specifically requested an uplift in the service they provide such as bigger room, ensuite etc (the same type of room further up the corridor is not an uplift).

The FNC component is an ongoing issue with many homes in the care sector. The fee a home charges for nursing care will either be inclusive or exclusive of FNC, this should be made transparent prior to admission. Sadly, it's not in many cases. I don't understand the legality of the issue but it strikes me (and most others) that a lot of homes are getting paid twice for the nursing element, once from the self funder and again from the FNC.


Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
thanks @Dave63 that clarifies a few things.

Yes, I think the SW told me the wrong fee for 22/23 unfortunately so now its a higher fee plus a 14% increase for 23/24 due to cost of living increases!!

I have just managed to get hold of the lady at ICB who was involved in dad's DST assessment so I queried a few things with her while waiting for the home to get back to me. She confirmed I am entitled to see dad's care plan and request for CHC again if dad's situation changes.

Re the top ups she said absolutely this should not be asked for if dad is self-funded privately. I'm assuming the home are trying it on which is outrageous.
She confirmed what you said re FNC but also suggested I try to negotiate with them on the FNC charge and see if they will waiver it/reduce the home fee - I won't hold my breath!

The home have been quick to send an invoice but no contract and no T&C's so I'm not paying anything till I get these and the clarity I have requested. Luckily I got higher rate AA re-instated this morning with no problem so at least that was easy.

What has made me angry with dad's situation is the lack of clarity and communication around the whole care process which I read regularly on this forum. My mum is 88 and could no way deal with this on her own and if she didn't have children looking out for her/dad she would have just paid these invoices no questions asked and never thought to ask for contract etc.

It's incredulous there are not proper regulations and standardisation that care homes have to adhere to. I don't have children so I'm hoping this gets sorted in my lifetime otherwise I don't know who will fight my corner!


Registered User
Jun 6, 2020
@Valencia72 - just a thought - is the £25 per week for your Dad's incidentals like chiropodist barber etc.
Some care homes bill 'after the event' and some run a float for residents.


Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
@Valencia72 - just a thought - is the £25 per week for your Dad's incidentals like chiropodist barber etc.
Some care homes bill 'after the event' and some run a float for residents.
yes I did wonder that so I'll wait to hear if it's for services, however he's not going any hair left really :-( and I don't think he's seen a chiropodist since he's been there. Could end up being a steep service fee for not much service.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
There's a previous thread regarding FNC and care home fees which may give a bit more insight.



Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
There's a previous thread regarding FNC and care home fees which may give a bit more insight.

thanks very much for that link, makes for interesting reading as does the FNC ombudsman document - going by this the care home have already fallen foul on several matters with the scant correspondence they have provided me with so I feel better armed now to deal with them.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2021
If your fathers self funding there is no top up fee this is only requested if the LA are funding and they can ask for the money but you’re under no obligation to pay.
Some care homes are all inclusive of hairdressers / chiropodist etc my mothers isn’t so I leave £100 to cover any extras and top up when needed.

If your fathers self funding then you can pick any care home that’s suitable for his needs obviously depends on availability, but might be worth investigating places closer to your mother. If social services are involved you could ask them for a list of suitable care homes.