Nile Cycle Trek - February 2007

Claire D

Registered User
Nov 30, 2005
Is there anyone else who has registered for this? If so I would love to hear from you as I have a long personal training journey to embark upon - not having been on a bike for at least 20 years!!!

Raising money for this wonderful society who for the past six months has given me so much support and solace reading the submissions on Talking Point is one of the few ways that I feel I can make a real difference to raise awareness of this illness.

Keep up the good work and hopefully there are some other people out there who are feeling the same!!

Tender Face

Account Closed
Mar 14, 2006
NW England
Wow Claire, you have my utmost admiration! I've tried to have a flick around the site to find out how this kind of event 'works' - presumably the idea is to raise lots of dosh as well as awareness? How can I, as a TP member support you? (Other than checking in on you every now and again to see if you're keeping to your training plan??:D

Love, Karen (TF)

Claire D

Registered User
Nov 30, 2005
Thank you so much!!

You register by paying £299 and pledge to raise £2,500 for the Society. I already have my T-shirt and a lot of aching limbs!! Who knows what state I'll be in by next February. The Society is fantastic and give you so much help and guidance including how to set up the justgiving website. Not too sure if this link will work in this frame but I'll give it a go! I don't think I can make this into a link but if you type the address into the Internet search address at the top it should take you direct to my page where you can register a donation if you would like to!


Registered User
Mar 21, 2006
Nile Bike Ride training

Hi Claire D, I am looking to improve my cycling skills this year as I am always left behind when I go out with my husband and 2 boys in the summer. I was therefore delighted to hear that I am going to be the charity rep for the Nile Bike ride as this will give me a good incentive to do something about my cycling. My youngest boy has just done part 1 of the cycling profficiency test at school so I enquired at my local council for courses for adults as I thought this would be a good first step before going out on the road for longer distances than I have previously cycled. I was amazed and disappointed to find out that there is no provision for adults in my borough and we are just expected to go out on the road and get on with it or pay £40 per hour for tuition! The road safety officer did give me some good hints though about making sure that you can cycle one handed so that you can give hand signals without wobbling and looking behind before changing direction. Last week I did my first official training session, a 25 minute cycle ride on road with a good hill on the route. I went at about 7.30pm so that the traffic was light and it wasn't too bad. After the ride my legs felt like jelly but I didn't ache too much the next day. At the weekend I went off road to Ruilip woods for about an hour and learnt to use my gears more effectiviely! I will use the summer to go out on my bike more at least twice a week with some longer off road rides with the family. The serious training however needs to be done in the winter. The training advice given for this trip recommends a ride of at least one hour 2 or 3 times per week. (Building up from 30 mins if you have not cycled for a while) . This should build up to include a 3 hour ride at weekends and then the month before we go we need to do 6 -7 hours on two consequecutive days. There will I am sure be many like us who will find this trip a real challenge but that is what it is meant to be! Good luck with the training. Do let us know how you are getting on.


Registered User
May 16, 2006
Well then....

Well, first of all, a big hello to everyone on here! Good work by everyone, and hope you all continue to do so well!!

The reason i joined here was because i am just going to join in with a few fellow supporters, and do the Nile Trek. If anyone has any information that will help me to train, assist me with fundraising, or who just want to chat about doing the crazy stunt in the first place, (come on, we are all a little mad! :) ) Then please post to me/leave a message so i can say hi, and bombard you with messages!!

Clairey x :D


Registered User
Jan 30, 2006
Hi Claire,

Go for it and enjoy the experience, you might want to try the Isle o Wight cycle ride as preparation, 65 miler:) Sept 17



Registered User
May 24, 2006
Nile Bike Ride

Hello all

I've come onto this forum from the Alzheimers web page as I would really like to do the Nile bike ride but am looking for some support and guidance.

My story is - I am 26 years old and live and work in Lincolnshire as an accountant. Although I am not directly affected by Alzheimers, I have seen the affect the disease can have on the sufferes and their family and want to raise money for what I think is a fantastic charity, which offers the most brilliant support for families and friends of those affected.

I am also using this challenege so help myself overcome a personal challenge. I have always been a fairly sporty person, I played in every team going at school, I still play netball twice a week now and walk my dog miles, but to look at me you probably wouldn't think so. I am (now) a size 18, what most people call "bubbly"! I have so far lost 3 stone and this challenge is something that I don't think alot of my family and friends would have thought I could have done 12 months ago so I want to prove them wrong (not that I'm competitive!?!?). This challenge and the training involved will give me the focus to achieve my own goal, but in the long run help as I have said a very worthwhile charity.

I can happily bike 15 miles or so in an hour, and know it is the more intensive training that will prove difficult, but I am looking forward to the challenge...............only one problem, I've still not had the nerve to complete my registration as the little doubting devil in my head keeps telling me I'll never be able to do it.

So.........basically I need someone out there to convince me that I can do this.

I have also seen that you can set up a fundraising page (and have visited Claire's to see what it will look like) and think this is a great way of getting the money to the charity efficiently allowing them to fulfil their cause! I will definitely do this, as it also means I can reach more and more people!.

Thanks for reading my long message and hope to get some replies :eek:

Jodie Lucas

Registered User
Dec 3, 2005
go for it laurab!

Hi Laura,

Go for it i'm sure it will be great. I work with people with dementia and alzheimers and am hoping to be accepted into london marathon next year, so am running sport relief in july and going to start training after my exams.

I'm sure it will be a fantastic experience.



Registered User
Jan 30, 2006
Ay up Laura,

You`re doing fantastic training already, :) wow! 15 miles in an hour is awesome :cool: You`ve certainly got a head start in that distance and shows that you can cycle comfortably :) . just get out there and do it ;) ;) , dont hold back and enjoy yourself and the experience :cool: put a piccy on your bike, ( so you can look at it while cycling) as an incentive. I`ve got one of mum on mine, (my reason)
i`m doing 65 miler on the IOW in Sept, so you could use that as prep!!:)

take care and enjoy the journey

:cool: ;)


Registered User
May 24, 2006
:) Thanks to everyone for the support already, and I've now done it and completed my registration and just waiting to hear that I'm in!!


Registered User
Feb 17, 2006
Claire & every one

Have been reading along, Must say I do love cycling, before mum Got AD 4 years ago, I stop it I use to go cycling to work & back. Last year My son lent my bike to his friend who left it out side a shop unlock & it got stolen my son brought me another bike, but it was to heavy, it was never the same I just loved my bike like a friend because when I redeem my first shares from working at Marks Spence’s I invested it a expensive light weight bike .

I keep looking for a woman light weight bike , but the frame now seem so heavy & I have 3 flights of stair to carry it up to my flat , I left the bike my son got me lock down stairs & after 6 mouth , all I have left of the bike is the frame lock to a railing , as they have taken the wheel ,seat , peddles , .

Anyway a bike ride to the Nile how interesting to read, would love to do that one day if they do it again. I suppose I could not do it just yet ,as I am still looking after mum at home , would be nice to read up dates on how every one getting on , & shall give some money next mouth on Claire wed site & how it going with the found raising , cycling Claire ? I read in another string about fund raising doing a BBQ , how that sounds good as my 20 old daughter wants to do the parachuting for AZ , but she got to raise £250 first , so could help her get started with helping her organize BBQ
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Registered User
Sep 10, 2005
Hi Margarita

I had to laugh when I heard about your bike - minus pedals and wheels. My bike is in the garage minus one pedal, it has two flat tyres and is a small housing development for the local spider population aka cobweb city! I keep looking at it thinking, I should get it repaired or buy a new one. And then I close the garage door. I'd love to do one of these cycle rides for AS. Perhaps we should both agree to set ourselves a target of getting a bike that is actually functional and see what we can do to raise some money. What I'd like to know is what happens if you don't raise enough sponsorship? Do they make you keep cycling until you have :) :) Hey ho, we could ride down from Egypt and beyond!


Registered User
Feb 17, 2006
lol you know what I have gone & done am going to do it what about you fancey joining me ?

Cycle Western Cuba that right I phone up & am geting the pack , but am doing the one in 07 , as that give me time to get fit save up the money & fund raise ,

so get that bike out of the garage get it fix as that be cheaper & save the money for next year so what do you think Lucille:eek: :)


Registered User
Sep 10, 2005
Hi Margarita

Good idea, 2007, it is! I'll check out the link and get some info. Once again, today, I looked at the bike, said 'hello' and then, bang, clank, down came the garage door again! I'll get it sorted, start practising my cycling skills and let's go!

:) :) :)


Registered User
Aug 5, 2006
Rudge NR, Marlborough

hello all any one want a chat any time feel free to contact me the nile bike ride seems fun last year my daughter and i trekked with the alzheimers along the great wall of china totally amasing and now our family has fifty more members we love it and we learnt so much last year if any of you have talked with marrietta or sharon there really lovelyso as i have said im not an expert but if we can help with any ideas or just a chat then please contact me best wishes lester:)
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