New diagnosis - next steps


New member
May 1, 2024
Hi, my mum (70) has just been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease after a long stay on a mental health unit where she has nee sectioned. We have a best interests meeting on the 10th April, does anyone have any advice on how to approach this?

To give some context my dad isn't really engaging in the process, we have been advised to sort out deputyship but he won’t entertain the idea. He isn’t thinking about the upcoming meeting or how he might want my mum to be cared for.

We have been told to come to the meeting with an idea of future care and our requirements but i haven’t got a clue where to start!

Thank you in advance!


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Bevgooey

I`m sorry to hear about your mum.

Your dad sounds as if he wants it all to go away because its all too much for him to process and he`s shutting down.

I wouldn`t worry about the best interests meeting. Go with an open mind and hear what the professional have to say. Your dad might listen to them more than you.


New member
May 1, 2024
Hi @Grannie G, thanks for the welcome.

It’s all happened quite quickly, mum was ‘normal’ in September by the end of October she was sectioned so we haven’t had much time to get to grips with it all.

Good to hear re the meeting, I’ll go with an open mind. The consultant was adamant we need to be clear on care requirements but we haven’t got a clue where to start!

