Mums dementia


New member
May 9, 2024
Hello I'm new to all of this can someone advise me my mum with dementia keeps saying my husband is violent to me and she is going to ring the police this is untrue she is getting muddled with TV programmes what can I do


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Lotts and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia. I am afraid that these kinds of false stories, or confabulations, are very common in dementia. I tried to deal with them in a matter of fact but not dismissive way. The more you give attention to them, the more likely that they'll be repeated. If there's any real possibility that she could actually call the police that would need a different approach. Otherwise, try to let it pass without comment, as hard as that may be.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Things seen on TV often contribute to confabulations. Does she live with you? Can you monitor her viewings? I had to censor what mum viewed quite strongly as she regularly thought that what she saw on TV was actually happening to her and in her home


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
I have had to censor my husband's viewing, even the most innocent film can be misinterpreted and cause some incredible stories. I quite often tell my husband that he has had a bad dream and these can seem very real but things are ok so no need to worry. This usually helps but there are still some stories that stick and I just keep reassuring all is ok. Don't think there is much else you can do as to them these stories are very real.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Yes, please edit TV viewing where you can. My Granny’s favourite Tv show was Midsomer Murders, which she insisted on watching on rotation. Even when she was still in her own home and compos mentis, she’d get visibly annoyed if we visited while it was on. She ended up believing her entire family had been murdered. Eventually we couldn’t even phone her, as she was convinced we were scammers, impersonating her dead relatives to trick her.