Mother in Care home


New member
Jan 8, 2024
I have lived in the United States for the best part of 40 years and nieve when it comes to dementia, last year my mother was diagnosed with dementia and taken into a care home for her safety, I had known that she had some short-term memory loss but no idea that she was in the middle to later stages.
I did not know what Power Of Attorney was and only have a will that she had written a few years ago
It was agreed that my mother would pay for the care home from her government pension, last month I was alerted that my mother owed thousands of pounds for last year's stay due to no direct deposit being set-up

My dilemma is getting her bank to start a direct deposit from her checking account to the care home with no power of attorney
so I can avoid having a huge bill next year,

Any suggestions would be most welcome



Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @mecarro and welcome but sorry to hear of the difficulties you are having. Does your mum live in the USA too or is she in the UK? If your mum is living in the UK and does not have mental capacity to manage her own finances, and there is no power of attorney in place, then someone can apply to the Court of Protection for Deputyship to enable them to manage your mum's money. If your mum is in the UK, was her care home placement arranged by social services or someone else? Sorry for the questions but if you could provide a little more information members here will be in a better position to offer suggestions.

If your mum is in the USA the Alzheimer's Association USA may be able to help and have a helpline you could call - details in the link below: