is this the beginning?


New member
Oct 8, 2023

My name is Neil, I'm a 69 male. My mother had Alzheimer's and my father had dementia (possibly Alzheimer's). I've seen what it can do and I don't mind admitting that it scares me. All has been well with me until the last 9 months when I have started having mini blank moments. Just 2 or 3 a day but they alarm me. I have to accept that I may be hugely over reacting to something that is part of normal ageing but I'm not convinced. These mini blanks are simple things. I take out my phone to look at something or search for something and by the time I have entered the password I've forgotten what I intended to do. I decide to do something but 5 mins later I've forgotten what I wanted to do. Sometimes I eventually remember but sometimes not. I realise I am describing a tiny issue when compared with the issues people with significant cognitive impairment are dealing with daily.

There are no parallels with my parents dementia. My mother was in total denial she had alzheimer's when it clear to all she did. I'm at the complete other end of the spectrum. Super sensitive to any changes I perceive as being the beginning of something that has ravaged my family. I could go and see my GP but I don't think that is the right thing to do at this stage. I'd like to ask the community, if they or their loved ones experienced mini blanks, similar to the ones I describe, at a stage before it became apparent that something outside of normal age related cognitive decline was occurring.

Regards, Neil
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Registered User
Sep 4, 2023
Time to get with the program. Blank spots.Oh i know I have early alzheimers. I went to a memory clinic and was given the diagnosis. Far better to know your situation and plan ahead. And maybe its nothing but normal. I know it won't help but I'm 69 as well. He ha off to sticky note i go.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Hi Neil,
I think what you're describing is normal. I'm 58, sometimes go upstairs, and forget what I've gone for, and of course trying to remember (like trying to go to sleep) is useless. Don't worry - you're fine.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
I frequently forget why I went up to the bedroom, or where I have put my keys or what I had thought to write on the shopping list. This maybe as simple as a lack of concentration, so that you had a momentary thought and didn’t really pay attention to it.

You also could be short on vitamin B which has a great influence on memory or there could be something else causing your problem. Fatigue and stress are well know for messing with concentration and memory so don’t panic yet.

See your GP and get yourself checked our before jumping to what might be false conclusions.


Registered User
Jun 20, 2017
when I have started having mini blank moments. Just 2 or 3 a day but they alarm me. I have to accept that I may be hugely over reacting to something that is part of normal ageing but I'm not convinced. These mini blanks are simple things. I take out my phone to look at something or search for something and by the time I have entered the password I've forgotten what I intended to do. I decide to do something but 5 mins later I've forgotten what I wanted to do. Sometimes I eventually remember but sometimes not.
Hello @eastrenneil, I could have written the above but for me it's much more frequent. It could just be the 'senior moments' that come as we age, it could be that you're stressed, that you're not concentrating or a lack of B vitamins as suggested. Of course with your parents' history it's inevitable you'll be fearing it's dementia.
See your GP and get yourself checked our before jumping to what might be false conclusions.
This is good advice and hopefully your mind will be put at rest.


New member
Oct 8, 2023
Time to get with the program. Blank spots.Oh i know I have early alzheimers. I went to a memory clinic and was given the diagnosis. Far better to know your situation and plan ahead. And maybe its nothing but normal. I know it won't help but I'm 69 as well. He ha off to sticky note i go.
thank you so much for your reply to my message. I will indeed get checked out.
Regards Neil


New member
Oct 8, 2023
Hi Neil,
I think what you're describing is normal. I'm 58, sometimes go upstairs, and forget what I've gone for, and of course trying to remember (like trying to go to sleep) is useless. Don't worry - you're fine.
Thanks for your reply it was much appreciated. I think you are probably right. I'm way too focussed on my memory. I need to lighten up and enjoy life.
Regards Neil


New member
Oct 8, 2023
I frequently forget why I went up to the bedroom, or where I have put my keys or what I had thought to write on the shopping list. This maybe as simple as a lack of concentration, so that you had a momentary thought and didn’t really pay attention to it.

You also could be short on vitamin B which has a great influence on memory or there could be something else causing your problem. Fatigue and stress are well know for messing with concentration and memory so don’t panic yet.

See your GP and get yourself checked our before jumping to what might be false conclusions.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @eastreneil.

I think all of us who have experienced dementia in the family are super sensitive to what we think may be symptoms. I`m glad you have taken advice here and arranged to see your doctor.

Fingers crossed for you.