I'm struggling to remain strong


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Lack of comprehension and misunderstanding what I say is part of my world as well. Patience needed and a sense of humour...Not always available!!!
I do try to be patient and always look for the humour. Just a bit thin on patience after being up twice in the night😃


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
I do try to be patient and always look for the humour. Just a bit thin on patience after being up twice in the night😃
Oh, if only it was only twice in the night. This week has been at least five times per night after which I lose count.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2023
You have made me realise how many questions like this that I have to answer every day. 'shall I close the door?'. 'Can I use this toilet?'. 'Are these my slippers?'. 'Is this my cup of tea?'
Yes I never thought about it but yes that is what it is like in our house - it's draining isn't it.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Oh, if only it was only twice in the night. This week has been at least five times per night after which I lose count.
I understand yourpain . I have a friend who is in and out of bed all night with her husband I and see her tiredness and and how it is starting to affect her health. X


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi @AussieLady

My heart goes out to you. Full time sole carer for your OH - it's the hardest job you'll ever do.
As you know, none of us has chosen this. I, personally, don't feel I can ever walk away. My Oh needs me now more than ever, and these dark days are much worse for her, even though she no longer knows this.
I've no idea how long this will go on e for; I've only been doing this for 7 years, and we reached the stage where my OH can't do anything. She can't handle cutlery, she can't read, she can't talk properly, etc. She's forgotten how to walk. We can't go anywhere. We're v fortunate that we did a great deal of travelling earlier in our lives. My OH can no longer bear weight, and hasn't been out of bed or chair since July 2022.

Yes, as you said, the biggest thing is not being able to talk to each other - no chitchat, no asking or telling opinions, no arguments or debates. W live together apart. It's v lonely.
I keep in touch with family, friends, etc as one aways needs some adult conversation. I do get some respite and this is absolutely vital. I have lady trained in dealing with dementia patients who comes to be with my Oh for 3 hours on a Weds morning, and one of my sons comes on a Thursday evening so I can go a play bridge. I'll book another full day out soon and my other son will take tie off work to be with his mum, My daughter comes to stay for a couple of days every six weeks or so, to check up on me I think. She's 250 miles away. Thank G for phones, emails, zoom meetings etc.

Stay strong if you can. You have to try and reach acceptance. My life has inevitably become my OH's life. As they say, if you're going through hell, keep going.

Best wishes. I sent virtual hugs.


Registered User
Mar 25, 2020
Hello @AussieLady - I am in the same boat as you in that he appears to be ok and because he can dress (if I tell him what to wear), shower (if I tell him to), go to the toilet ok, takes the dog for a short walk and can be left on his own. I am lucky I guess, but I dont feel it
I miss my husband who took care of me and shared the burdens, decisions and fun of life. I have family close by who try to help but no matter what they do I don't have my strong intellingent husband anymore, I think I am still coming to terms with it really.
Type as many long messages as you wish - not only do they help you but they help the readers too.
I have read all of these posts and can empathise with them all.
My husband is 91, and I am 77. I say to all my friends who ask how he is and his family.
‘He is great’ and think he is considering he was diagnosed 5 years ago.
This weekend I am tired as had a week of house and garden maintenance taking place.
He looks after himself as long as I lay our clothes, and remind him to have a shower. I can leave him easily to go errands etc and have short meet ups with friends.
It is the companionship and support I miss. He goes along with my decisions, but it is not the same.
We have waited a while for a holiday, as he is mainly happy being at home nowadays. Less than 4 weeks to a lovely cruise - can’t wait and fingers crossed no hiccups beforehand.
I am grateful my life is basically okay, and hate griping, but helps to vent a little.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Thank you for understanding. As far as a nursing home is concerned, that's where my greatest fear for the future lies. Not so much putting him in a memory care facility when it becomes necessary, but how to pay for it. Here in the US we do not have any form of universal health care, and all our medical expenses are funded by private pay insurance. Private pay insurance (while expensive) doesn't cover long term care of any kind. So I'm looking at around US $8,000.00 per month should I ever need to move Roger into managed care. As he's nearly 84 now, three years diagnosed with Alzheimers/vascular dementia, I'm not sure how long he will live, but at almost US $100,000.00 per year for nursing home care, if he lives a long time, I can see it ploughing through our savings very fast. Hence my biggest fear.
Welcome sorry you need this site.

I am also from the US. Nursing home cost was also my biggest fear. When it comes to paying unless you are a millionaire at some point you will run out of money. Your loved one will then need to go on Medicaid. You need to see an Elder Law Attorney now. Every state has different laws regarding Medicaid eligibility. Elder Law Attorneys specialize in those laws. Do not see a regular attorney. The ELA will help you set up your money so you won’t be left penniless. A consultation will cost around $500 and to set everything up will cost around $3,000 - $5000. It sounds like a lot but it’s less than one month of nursing home care.

Here is a link for Medicaid eligibility- https://www.medicaidplanningassistance.org/medicaid-eligibility-missouri/

The majority of people on this site are from the UK but everyone is welcome and I prefer this site because of the compassion and great advice I get here. There is another message board where the majority of people are from the US. They will be able to help with advice on financial things.

Here is the link for the US message board:

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