House issues ...wearing me down !


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Hi @Roman223

I've just caught up with your thread. I truly hope that you can get things sorted soon - it's heartbreaking to hear what you're going through. As @MaNaAk says, you will get through it.

Sending you a virtual hug.
S x


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Good morning @Roman223,

I hope you're okay. I remember all the sleepless nights that I had when going through probate and dealing with the house.




Registered User
Dec 29, 2020
Good morning @Roman223,

I really feel for you and I can imagine what that conversation was like. I was told by my siblings that I was narcissistic, selfish, stubborn, spoilt etc. I was even accused of trying to halt probate by tearing dad's certificate and his will. The phone calls that I had from my youngest brother proved him to be a manipulative bully and he would start getting me to agree with one thing and then twisting it around to confuse me and saying but you said this or you said that and I believe he practiced this with his partner. I remember saying you have to stop those phone calls chipping away at your confidence. Do you have a mobile phone as well as a landline? If your sister phones on one line and another phone call comes on the other then you have to hang up on her whether she likes it or not. This happened to me twice the first time it was a friend inviting me out for coffee because she was worried about me. The second time it was an estate agent and my idiot brother said they'll phone back! I should have put the phone down on him and spoken to the estate agent!

The trouble with me was that I had lived in the family home for nearly forty years. I was running part of my business from that house and I had my pet tortoises. I was told by my brothers that I would have to teach all my Piano and Violin pupils from my local music shop where I also worked and that I would have to give the tortoises away to an animal sanctuary (they had been in the for seventy years!). This only upset me even more and me less likely to want to talk to them. However I got through it and you will too.



Registered User
Dec 29, 2020
Hello MaNaAk: Thank you for your replies and concern. I appreciate you thinking of me. I just need to take a little break. My head is literally 'frazzled'. I'm dealing with a few health concerns/injuries (that don't seem to be getting better). I didn't sleep very well last night but I haven't done since I received the 'Nasty message' from my sibling. I will keep this short. Take care. x


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Always someone here to listen/read or whatever. Talking about breaks I'm still getting over a broken arm, still hurts even now.
The for sale sign is outside my house right now, moving on is possible, just not easy sometimes, a whole load of memories I don't need anymore. K


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Dear @Roman223,

I remember those awful nights very well and then coming on here to off load. Also my allergy issues were a lot worse you can only really go at your own pace and don't let your sister bully you. Please keep posting.


cobden 28

Registered User
Dec 15, 2017
Ok. Thanks. I don't know anything about selling houses. All new to me. I just feel insecure not knowing where I'm going to be ... is that quicker than putting it up for sale?
Contact a local estate agent and ask about the procedure for selling the house at auction, if the house is too much for you to cope with.

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