Hi long journey


New member
Mar 12, 2023
Hi I've been on her before my dad was told end of. Life Oct 2023 but still here!! My mum near late stage vascular dementia, it's been such a journey we now put dad into respite he's having an awful slow death, he's gone sineal within wks he's fluid on his brain from a fall july2023 he's 89. Now he's so skinny fell again, he heart is failing with fluid around also enlarged he's kidney failure he's such bad. Pressure bed sores open, celluitous both legs so in a bad way, there's no help only eol medicine, every day is harder he refused any help or. A home but finally agreed for rest we've told. Him. With his brain so bad and my mums condition, I can't begin to even explain how hard this journey is.. Now. Tht dad in care home for resbite end of life palliative care we paid private as was emergency but it's confirmed he is end of life days maybe wk s... Between me and my siblings we r having to stay with mum,.. Every day another issuse, don't know how my mum s is going to understand or. Survive... Sorry to have gone on but soo many questions and the not knowing going forward. X


Registered User
Jan 24, 2024
I’m sorry that this is happening to you and you’re family, sometimes we don’t get the answers we desperately want and need ,and sometimes we just have to wait because that is all we can do to get by, you have my best wishes and condolences, hopefully there are others with some helpful advice.💐💐💐💐