Hi. I’m new to this.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Tfjala welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. Sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis and how you are feeling a little lost, which is understandable. I remember when my mum got diagnosed it was a case of being given a few leaflets and then just being left to get on with things, so I can emphasis with how you are feeling at the moment.

You will find lots of friendly support here from people who understand and are happy to answer questions, you won't feel alone here, and sometimes just knowing that others are in a similar situation can help. This is also a safe place to talk about concerns and feelings or even just have a good rant if you need too. I found that it helped to just take things a day at a time rather than look too far ahead, and you may find the link below useful as it contains some practical advice such as making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and details of which benefits may be available too. Hope this helps, and perhaps take a look around the forum and join in with discussions if you'd like to, or if you have anything specific you'd like to talk about. There is always someone here to listen.



Registered User
Nov 7, 2023
Hello @Tfjala
First of all, welcome to the forum. I know how you feel and I’m sure you will receive many replies from others in the same boat. My husband was diagnosed last September and it was all a bit overwhelming at first. This forum has helped me a great deal, so I would advise you to keep checking in and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
I’m finding it useful to keep a diary of ‘incidents’ and the changes in my husbands behaviour. A friend of mine whose father had Alzheimer’s recommended I do it and In a strange way, writing things down helps me ‘offload’ at the end of the day, plus I have useful examples for healthcare professionals if I need it further down the line.
Good luck on your journey, don’t be afraid to ask for help and take it if offered. If you are able to leave your husband on his own for an hour or so, do it now and have some time for yourself because things can change very quickly.
I value the time with my friends because they are very supportive and allow me to vent & I always feel better afterwards.
Sorry, I’ve just realised I’m rambling!


New member
Apr 20, 2024
Hello @Tfjala
First of all, welcome to the forum. I know how you feel and I’m sure you will receive many replies from others in the same boat. My husband was diagnosed last September and it was all a bit overwhelming at first. This forum has helped me a great deal, so I would advise you to keep checking in and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
I’m finding it useful to keep a diary of ‘incidents’ and the changes in my husbands behaviour. A friend of mine whose father had Alzheimer’s recommended I do it and In a strange way, writing things down helps me ‘offload’ at the end of the day, plus I have useful examples for healthcare professionals if I need it further down the line.
Good luck on your journey, don’t be afraid to ask for help and take it if offered. If you are able to leave your husband on his own for an hour or so, do it now and have some time for yourself because things can change very quickly.
I value the time with my friends because they are very supportive and allow me to vent & I always feel better afterwards.
Sorry, I’ve just realised I’m rambling!
Hi. Thank you for your ’rambling’ your kind words and advice is very much appreciated x


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
Hello and welcome to the forum. It is a case of taking each day as it comes and do read up from the link posted. I would say to try and join day centre and dementia support clubs as soon as you can and get your husband used to mixing with others as it might be you lifeline along the way. I didn't as my husband always said we were ok and he didn't need this...my mistake for agreeing as now,when I need the break, I am finding it difficult to take the step to leave him while I do. Keep posting and ask as many questions as you need.


Registered User
Feb 23, 2021
Welcome to the forum. My dad has Alzheimers - about 6 years in - and I can honestly say this forum has been the single most helpful thing. Do keep reading posts and ask whatever questions you need to - people on here are so kind and their experience has helped us no end. Sending hugs to you.

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