Hello, Scared,Tearful.


New member
May 4, 2024
Hello I’m 77 and my wife same age, yet sadly she's got the start of dementia and im losing the girl I married 1968, we have no children and as much as I love her I must have a break im shouting as im deaf and im disabled too. I'm scared of our future and it I know at 77 isn't long but im still scared.


New member
Dec 6, 2023
Hello. I am 82 and have been losing my lovely husband since first symptoms in2017. I am talking to you because I know how alone one can feel. Sorry about the bold type but I don't know how to change it. Please wear your hearing aids as they will protect your brain health. This last year he has deteriarated faster. I try to remain calm and pick my battles. If it is not life threatening I try to walk away but when they are irrational it is so hard. I drink gin in the middle of the night in order to sleep. I am amazed at the courage of others on this forum. tell them that you need them and that they are your best friend and they need to stay with you. Big hug


New member
May 4, 2024
Awe thanks Mirislle I have to put cream on my feet of a night as they itch and bedtime I pray god takes me as I can't walk through my disability but because of this I get so short tempered if I go away what do I came back to. I love my wife dearlyand we have never been apart but I need help and who do I ask im scared,


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @David4u

I'm so sorry about your wife. I know how scary it is. Your love shines through your post and I hope that being part of this forum helps you feel less alone. There will always be someone here to offer understanding and support.
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Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
I’m sorry you’re going through this, it’s so hard. Have you spoken to the GP or memory clinic. When we got the diagnosis, they referred us to the local Alzheimer’s Society support worker who did a home visit and was excellent in telling me things I didn’t know I needed to know and giving me details of other places I could get support.