Hello all, looking for some advice


New member
Jun 27, 2024
Hi all,

My FIL has recently been diagnosed with dementia and after a severe infection and 2 bouts of delirium this has excelled at a great speed and the Drs and SS have said he no longer has capacity so can no longer live independently and has to go to a care home, which is being funded by the LA.

He is currently in hospital and ready to be discharged, but he lives in Southwark in London and we would like him placed closer to us in Kent, we have found a care home but the brokage dept. are saying the fees are too high and we don’t have the money to pay for a top up. They want to place him 30-60 mins away from us which we have said will have an adverse affect on his health, as he doesn’t understand that he is not going home and being so far away we would not be able to visit him daily. He is deaf in one ear and has very poor eyesight, is at high risk of falls, along with diabetes, COPD, asthma and various other ailments and has a tendency to wander as all times of the day and night.

We have no PofA in place as due to the delirium he deteriorated so quickly there wasn’t time.

The LA has already placed someone in the care home we have nominated so we have said they have already set a precedent, but they responded with it doesn’t work like that.

Has anyone been in this situation and ending up getting the LA to pay the full fees?

Would be grateful for any advice on how to fight the LA


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome.
You might ask how someone being moved such a distance from his family squares up with Article 8 of the Human Rights Act, the right to a family life.
One could argue moving him away means less visits so is depriving him of visits and so a family life. Just a thought. K


New member
Jun 27, 2024
Kevin thank you so much, hadn’t thought of that.

My OH works in London so visited him daily when he was at home, and not seeing him will be such a change for him.