Get social services to investigate finances or?


New member
May 4, 2024
Hi, a bit of background:

My Mum has just received an official dementia diagnosis but she hasn’t really had capacity for dealing with finances for a couple of years. My brother has been living in mum’s house for several years, he doesn’t work or claim benefits but has basically been living off her in that time, bar selling the odd thing on Ebay.

I’ve recently looked into her accounts (we’ve both had LPAs in place for about 6 months) and it’s evident to me that he’s been taking a lot more money out of her account than is being spent on her; I’m pretty sure he hasn’t even registered his LPA with her banks yet and has just been using her card himself. He always takes cash out so there is no record of what’s purchased. This is a really sad state of affairs and I’m so disappointed in his behaviour.

I’m not sure how to proceed but can’t sit back and allow this to continue, my mum has very little savings left and her house is in desperate need of repairs.

Should I contact the OPG who, from what I’ve read, take an age to investigate and then don’t do much according to others posts on this site, or could I get social workers, who I’m in touch with, to investigate. Basically, I don’t want police involvement, I’d like someone official to spell out that all money taken out needs to be accounted for, using receipts if necessary, I’m hoping this may be enough to correct his behaviour.

Has anyone had experience having social workers investigate finances?

I could confront him myself but we don’t have the best relationship and I don’t want to cause a rift in the family and upset mum, but if necessary I will go that route.

Cheers in advance, Tony

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Tonyvanman

I think your best bet would be to contact the Support Line. They have all legal information at their fingertips and might be able to suggest a more direct and a quicker route to getting your query sorted.

It`s open today from 10am - 4pm.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Tonyvanman and welcome to the Forum. This does sound like a difficult and sensitive situation. I agree that the support line may be better placed to give you suggestions on how to proceed.