Chewing on nothing


Registered User
Mar 17, 2022
My OH has vascular dementia and has been in a care home for two years. He has declined a lot in the last few months and the care staff are putting a great deal of thought and effort into managing the changes.

He began to have problems eating. It's not swallowing, he drinks well and can eat just about any pudding, biscuits, fruit and yogurt but with dinners he was getting tiny bits of food stuck in his mouth, e.g. between his lower gum and his lip. He hasn't got any teeth and refused to wear his dentures before he went into the home, but managed most food. He has forgotten how to move his tongue around to move these bits of food, he just kept chewing, then gets agitated. Sometimes he would allow his mouth to be cleared, sometimes he could be encouraged to spit things out.

He is now on pureed food for dinners although he can still eat biscuits! He wouldn't touch it at first but the home purchased moulds, like jelly or cake moulds, which make the puree look like real meat and vegetables, he mostly accepts that though sometimes he wants to be fed.

But now he has started making chewing actions when there is nothing in his mouth. It's like he is chewing on his tongue, it's become a habit. I'm worried that he will make his mouth and jaw very sore. Yesterday he was even doing in when dozing. I'll be talking to the Care Manager (who is marvellous) but I thought I'd ask if any of you experienced carers have seen this?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Carmenjane I have never come across this and I do think that it would be a good idea to speak to the Care Manager or possibly your OH's GP.