CH Visit


Registered User
Mar 9, 2012
Yesterday had mum to christmas lunch as husband working today and alll was very nice and even though she wantd to get back at 4pm we had a good day. Today we all went to care home to tak christmas presents and she was sat in the hall with her coat on clutching a blanket with her photo's in under her arm. We went up to her room and managed to get her to take her coat off but she did'nt want to keep the presents we had taken as they might take them off her, nothing my son or I could say could convince her. She said had sat in her armchair all night to watch her belongings, she did not want to stay and would be getting out and getting her pension back and getting a flat. We then had to leave and she put her coat back on picked up her bundle and sat back in the hall. I don't know if they will manage to get her to eat any lunch or go and sit in the lounge. I am worried sick as she escaped a couple of weeks ago and was eventually found at the station saying she was going to London. The staff are very good but today is obviously very busy with lots of visitors.
Sorry to waffle my query is has anyone had this experience and would moving her to a different care home make any difference she has been in this one for 6 weeks now and not seeming to settle at all.:(


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
Hello vinvin,
In my experience this is par for the course. My OH. has been in a CH for a year now and all she will talk to me about is coming home, and she's always convinced that this time I've arrived to take her home. Other people visiting don't get this at all. Whenever she leaves her room everything (photos ornaments, the lot) has to be put away, otherwise "they" will pinch them. I'm told this is just a phase! The only way to handle it is to accept it and work around it as best you can. I have found there just isn't anybody can tell you how best to handle these things, it's very much trial and error. Look on the bright side, just as soon as you have found what works best, they'll be on to a new phase, which will have it's own special problems!