Cataract Surgery


Registered User
Sep 11, 2023
My elderly Aunt had her second cataract removed. It was very quick from diagnosis to the procedure. Unfortunately towards end of Op.fluid moved behind her eye causing terrific pain,I assume she was under a local anaesthetic..Anyway its 3 days in lots of various eye drops, antibiotic medication,pain relief...she's very tired complaing of pain around eyes and resting sleeping in bed during daytime...its concerning.....we ask her to put hand over left eye and the right eye, of the operation,she says she can't see anything.Is this the fluid behind cornea or is a mental health cognition matter.We see the surgeon again on Friday for a follow up.It would be interesting to know if others have had similar experiences?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I`ve had two cataract procedures @Jasper2 without any problems.

It`s difficult to know if your aunt`s pain is real or imaginary and it`s good you have an appointment with the surgeon on Friday. I hope it can be sorted.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2023
Normally there is an emergency helpline for the clinic you can call. I would recommend giving that a try and see what they say.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2023
Ongoing visits to eye clinic another on Monday 20th one consultant says she had bleed at rear of eye and her retina is in the right place..Monday I will have discussion separately with consultants under PoA Health..she can't see anything from right eye which is causing her discomfort.