Caring for grandmother with untreated diabetes and dementia


New member
May 2, 2024
I am looking for support or resources in Alaska for family members caring for elders with diabetes and dementia but do not have power of attorney over them. She needs medical care but refuses treatment claiming to “take care of her diabetes naturally” with essential oils and such, she currently lives with us but as she becomes more combative that has become less of an option. This is extremely heartbreaking because she’s lived in her car for years straight with frost bitten toes when she was not living with us and will go back to that….HAPPILY🙂‍↕


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
I think that extremity is beyond the experience of most of us but.....
Is she a diagnosed diabetic? Diet or insulin controlled? My mothers mental state definately declined when she wasnt correctly dosed with her insuin injection.
How would diabetic obtain supplies/prescription in Alaska? I have no idea, but could you go back to the prescribed nd explain she isnt taking it?
In the UK, someone who lived like that might well be sectioned(- taken to a mental health facility) to be assessed. maybe you need to let that happen.
let her go back to her car, report that a vunerable person is living such, and let them take over