Best digital dementia clock / reminder for distance


New member
Mar 14, 2024
Hi there, everyone. This is my first post here.

My mother, who is 70, has mixed dementia, and sadly, it's been a rapid decline. The situation is complicated by the fact that I'm an only child, and she has very few friends. Moreover, she lives in Prague, Czech Republic, while I have a family in London, so I'm constantly traveling back and forth. She has a carer that comes six days a week. It's hard not to question why this is all happening, but I try my best to accept what the universe has laid out for me.

I'm in search of a good digital clock that can be programmed remotely. I came across "My Home Helper" one, but the subscription fee is quite high. I can't seem to find another option that would allow remote programming, ideally through my phone, which is quite essential. Has anyone used one they'd recommend or have any suggestions?

Thank you.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Have a look at


New member
Mar 14, 2024
Would something like this be of use?

The clock is battery powered, sets correctly from a radio signal, auto change for summer/winter time.
Also is a style that may be better understood, than a row of numbers.

hm no I still mean a device that can remind her of things and I can send reminders to


New member
Mar 29, 2024
The RecallCue clock is great. You can run it on an iPad or Android tablet - we have it on a cheap Amazon fire. It is dedicated for this and always plugged in so there is really no issue of forgetting to open it. My sister and I love it because it lets us send reminders from anywhere and my kids love it because they can send messages and photos from their phones. It really has been a godsend for our family.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2024
Got myhomehelper for mum recently as she’s started not answering the phone when I ring (I only live round the corner so not too bad). I think it’s brilliant although you do have to budget for it. I can send reminders and messages instantly and there’s a video calling facility which I haven’t figured out yet. You can change the appearance so it shows an old fashioned clock face. Best of all, mum doesn’t have to do anything, it just does its thing! She is past learning new skills now.
Mum was resistant at first and kept unplugging it, she hates anything new at first, but is slowly getting used to it. I do recommend based on our experience so far!


Registered User
Apr 19, 2020
I’ve been using myhomehelper for dad at £9.99 pm. We are 500 miles apart. I send reminders with pictures so he knows when the chiropodist is coming or when he’s going to the dentist etc. or knows when I’m going to next call or video call him. I used it successfully in his home for a long time. In the care home I find I need to use my laptop to video call him as when I use my phone to video all him, the signal is poor. It’s been a godsend. I leave it and his iPhone permanently plugged in to sockets by his bed with both devices on his bedside table. I have stickers on the plugs telling the carers and room people not to unplug.


New member
Sep 29, 2023
Thanks for info i have just bought because my mum is having respite care in a care home while i recover from carer burnout (long story but i think living with close relative with dementia can really effect you) mums in 3 weeks and i have a chronic illness and wanted to see mum at least twice a day via video
Just opened the my helper and it says tge video service used isnr supported now but if you want to be a beta tester to email for that which i have done
Sorry my question can contact me or is it just me with that control?
Mum cabt use her laptop or a mobile now s hoping it does
Also i have sky tv and sky go can i put that on it or am i expecting to much?


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Probably a daft response but could you communicate with the carers and get them to put stuff on a white board for your mum?