Attendance Allowance


New member
Jul 20, 2022
Hi All, My mum and dad were both put on attendance allowance many years ago. Mum was put on the higher rate care allowance, and lower rate mobility. This was not for dementia. She has had dementia for approx 7 years and now needs 24 hour care at home and cannot mobilize without the assistance of one or sometimes two peoples support. Mum and Dad got Care Allowance for each other, but in fact receive no payment to this benefit. I assume benefits were capped? Dad has lower rate care component, again this was many years ago and in the last five years has heart failure and kidney ca, and has a defibrillator fitted which has gone off several times. I moved in with them to care for them and this resulted in a £500 reduction in benefits as I was assumed to do the caring contributions, which I obviously do, but I also work part time.

I know we obviously need a reassessment, but dad is reluctant to go down this route as they may lose benefits. Anyone experienced similar and can contribute advice? is there anywhere I can go to get their benefits looked at unofficially?? Its a minefield

I thank you for the years

Registered User
Oct 5, 2021
Hi @Laine1

You could try using the following link or contacting Citizens Advice.

You mention that your Mum receives a benefit for care as well as mobility which suggests that she may be on Personal Independence Payment (or possibly Disability Living Allowance) rather than Attendance Allowance (AA) as AA does not have a separate mobility element.

If your parents first got their disability benefits before state pension age they would have got PIP or DLA which then continues past state pension age. If they first got their disability benefits after state pension age then it would be Attendance Allowance.

Best wishes x


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I would recommend that you have a word with either Age UK or Citizens Advice. Both of these can unofficially assess you for benefits, advise you on what to do and can help with form filling.