3 big cheer's for y b s ! ! ! !


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello Every Body & warm HELLO to other 's from Yorkshire , ! ! ! :)

The Y . B. S is my Local Buiding Society. The other week saw on at the Counter they were selling small Badges etc for Altz Society & they also had Info Hand Outs :):)

The Y B S is going to match Pound for Pound on every badge sold :D:D

The money raised will to help Fund the New Project ( think its new ?

The Carer's Information & Support Programme :):):)

The Y B S will be running this in 2011 ( all year :) )

To Quote from the info sheet :

The Programme is to provide Carer's with qualtiy one-to-one support :):) Yes it is a new project the Y B S is going to fund the development & implentation of it all ( They have a Charitable Foundation :):) who care a lot :):) )

Thought you might be interested that Carer's & Altz is being Cared for by others :):):)

Best Wishes Love Grove x x x
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Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
Hello Grove, I will call into my local branch and get a few badges.



Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Opps ! ! !

Hi Turbo , Do you have a fast Car LOL it is not Badges they are selling , but mini - nail - files ( any body having a Holiday :):) )

On the Hand Out it does not tell you when the Project will take "off" gess we will have to wait for News from the Altz Society News Page & when there is enough money in the Funds :):)

Best Wishes Love Grove x x


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
More Infomation

Hello Every Body , For a more detailed story go to the Alzt Society Web Page & look under fund rasing ! The Project will help fund a New Service so Carer's can be sign posted to the correct severices etc

Best Wishes Love Grove x x x


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Good news & well done y b s ! ! !

Hello Every body , The other day in the Post my " Building Society Voteing Pack " came & also a Newsletter informing us of all the Charitable Work they do over the Year :):): & the Yorkshire Building Society have raised A FAB TOTAL :

£85,00 ! ! ! ! :) :) :)

NEW PROJECT : The money is funding a New Project / Programme to provide us the Carers of our "Loved Ones " with Altz / Dementia with a quality 1.1 Support & Information :) ( Sorry am NOT Sure when this is going to be open / start )

However am sure every body will be thankful that this "Project " will be available some time soon ? A BIG THANK YOU to the Y B S ! ! :)

Watch this space for more News / Updates !

Love Grove x x
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