Why him


New member
Jun 24, 2024
My husband is such a lovely honourable man who in the last 5 years after having a stroke has been through so much, recently diagnosed with unspecified dementia he's had Sepsis now seizures and now epilepsy, we are waiting to be re referred back to elderly mental health team, he's only 71, unfortunately after 2 significant seizures he didn't recognise our house or me in fact he thought he was cheating on me with me as I am now and wouldn't let me touch him, he's a little more aware now after showing him some old photos, but all I'm getting is one word answers and am feeling so guilty at my resentment I feel, knackered to be honest, sorry to go on

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Caqs

Many of us know how difficult it is when the recognition begins to go. My husband used to go out looking for his real wife.

I don't know how we come to terms with this, if we ever do but all I know is our husbands and people with dementia would be horrified if they understood how much pain they are causing.

I hope you will feel supported by others on this forum, all who understand the position you find yourself in.


New member
Jun 24, 2024
Welcome @Caqs

Many of us know how difficult it is when the recognition begins to go. My husband used to go out looking for his real wife.

I don't know how we come to terms with this, if we ever do but all I know is our husbands and people with dementia would be horrified if they understood how much pain they are causing.

I hope you will feel supported by others on this forum, all who understand the position you find yourself in.


New member
Jun 24, 2024
Thank you, just feeling a bit raw at the moment, he responds and smiles at others,but not me know its not his usual disposition but blooming hard to process

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It`s very hard to process especially when it appears our husbands have control when dealing with others and don’t display the same social skills to us.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand why but wonder who the lyricist Allan Roberts was thinking of when he wrote ‘You always hurt the ones you love’

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
My husband is such a lovely honourable man who in the last 5 years after having a stroke has been through so much, recently diagnosed with unspecified dementia he's had Sepsis now seizures and now epilepsy, we are waiting to be re referred back to elderly mental health team, he's only 71, unfortunately after 2 significant seizures he didn't recognise our house or me in fact he thought he was cheating on me with me as I am now and wouldn't let me touch him, he's a little more aware now after showing him some old photos, but all I'm getting is one word answers and am feeling so guilty at my resentment I feel, knackered to be honest, sorry to go on

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