Whats your local day care/activities social centre like????


Registered User
Aug 25, 2011
Hi there,

ways to prevent feeling lonely/social isolation...particularly if in wheelchair with dementia and stuck attending regular medicals so hard to plan a diary too many days in advance!. Has anyone on here dropped in to a local DAY CENTRE/COMMUNITY CENTRE to do activities? If so HOW DID YOU FEEL WHEN YOU JOINED?? Did you feel warmly welcomed and made new friends? or did you feel apprehensive ..a bit like you were starting a new school or "back in the playground again"...or find things "cliquey"? Which activity did you enjoy most? (or if you are a carer, how do you think the person you accompanied felt about it all..and did you stay and watch or participate in the day or were you waved off and asked to return and collect much later in the day?!) Just interested to know YOUR FEELINGS for this thread ,not obviously names or locations of the places you joined. Thanking you in advancex


Registered User
Jan 10, 2012
Day Centre

It took me two months to get my husband to attend a day centre. We went for a visit for a cup of tea and had a good look around at all the activities available and six weeks later my husband went for just one day 9.30 - 16.00.
Activities available are cooking/baking, gardening, arts and craft, massage, games and music.
My husband never has enjoyed large crowds of people and he does at times find it very noisy. He enjoys the morning starting off with a cup of tea and a natter about the most resent news or something people have seen on TV i.e the latest soap scandal.
This is followed with the daily game in which someone has to give a 9 letter word. From this word everyone takes part in finding other words which is a great way of interacting. After this there is a Quiz which can have been prepared by other members of visitor if they want.
Lunch is then served with a choice of two meals and pudding.
The afternoon is less structured and everyone can do whatever they choose, some will have a dose/rest, others take on a board game or craft work. If lucky a couple may make a cake which they all enjoy with a cup of tea/coffee before leaving to go home.
I think this is a fantastic service available though this one is run privately and not really known to the Social Services.
My husband now has something in the week to focus on. When fit and well he can go three mornings per week. He goes on a Monday morning to have a good beginning of the week. Sunday night he has something to look forward to like in the days of working. He has a new identity away from home, it gives him an opportunity to be independent within a safe environment. He comes back having had both mental and physical stimulation.
All in all very positive, he is tired and has had added quality of his life thanks to a very good manager qualified as a Mental health Nurse and numerous hard working volunteers.
My husband is young only 54. He now has met people in their late 90s and even over 100 whom he has had lovely conversation about the war, life experience and poetry.
I would not like to think this Day Centre was to be closed, many people would really miss out.