What stage are we at?


Registered User
Jun 13, 2017
Hello,this is my first post and I'm looking for some advice. My grandma 77 was diagnosed with early dementia about a year ago. She was forgetting things and this has gradually got worse however over the past couple of months she has rapidly deteriorated. She still recognises immediate family but has little recollection of other people she hadn't seen in a while. She goes through phrases of being obsessed by things. Last week it was dancing this week she's convinced my grandad is gay!! She makes up conversations that have never happened and has started talking to herself in the mirror. She has also started some sexual feelings and talks about these explicitly. Obviously all of these things are totally out of character. She can't remember how to dress herself some days and my grandad is now in charge of everything in the house.
Basically I'm wanting to know how far into this we are. If she should take medication and how we should deal with this. I'm very scared of what is to come but I feel I should be prepared! Any advice so welcome!


Registered User
May 21, 2014
You don't say which form of dementia she has. Medication is only given for Alzheimer's and mixed dementia, and it's only going to delay things for a little while.

Please don't put too much value on stages. They are fluid anyway as each person with dementia is unique and can have symptoms from different stages at the same time. Without a crystal ball you won't know where she is in her journey. I'm sorry, I know you are looking for something definite, but it doesn't really exist.

There is a however a quite useful symptoms tracker that you could print out and fill in. It won't tell you the stage, but it will help any professional who treats your grandma.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2015
Hello there and welcome.

Has Beate said try not to much on symptoms and different stages - people and the symptoms can vary so much.

Please get all the help for you and your family to help with the future. And also there is a wealth of support , advice on here from people who have made this journey or like me are on it. Don't be afraid to ask questions or even come on to have a moan or share your tears. This forum really has been made my lifelife and helped me not feel like I am alone coping with my mother.

Hugs to you and your family - what a lovely granddaughter you are to be concerned for you grandma xxxx


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Medication or no, your grandmother and particularly your grandfather who is trying to care for her, need support to cope with her escalating needs. So do encourage him to contact her doctor/mental health team or whoever they have been in touch with before for a review. I assume she has had a Needs Assessessment done already? It needs to be reviewed now, and your grandfather should have a carers assessment. Although medication to try and slow the progression of the illness is only given for certain types of dementia, there may be something that can help, so do ask the doctor. My husband, for example, was on one of the meds that are supposed to slow progression long after it had any hope of doing so, because that wasn't why he was prescribed it. The medication also has an effect of calming agitation, and he was very anxious and agitated, so it helped with that, and so he was left on it. The best thing is to have a good talk with the doctor, and explain fully what's happening, and how rapidly the changes are going. Might be no harm to take in a urine sample too, just in case she has an infection. If your grandfather (or you) don't want to speak to the doctor in front of her, you could maybe write or phone first, so he has all the details before the appointment.