What next ?in this system


Registered User
Jul 19, 2005
My husband got this letter this morning from the JOB CENTRE PLUS and NHS .
Working towards health is a new service being delivered by JOB CENTRE PLUS AND NHS
We'd like to invite you to an information event on -------------2007 so that you can find out more about what we can do for you.
NHS advisers will be available on the day to help you to understand your health condition or disability and work with you to develop ways you can live with it. With increased confidence you may be able to start to think about returning to work. JOBCENTRE PLUS advisers will also be available to offer you advise on many of the services ans financil incentives available to ensure you are getting the full support you are entitled to.
They are wanting him to return to work yet he cant wash,dress,go to the loo himself, gets lost in the house, needs his food cut up for him, takes myoclonic jerks, gets confused,can't go out on his own and also mood swings, and up at nights
Yet i am able to work yet the system is stopping me but they want him to get back to work (I WISH)
jUST WAIT TILL I PHONE THEM. At least i now have it in black and white to prove the system is bad

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Dear Chip, We`re just numbers, aren`t we. It wouldn`t take much for a little bit more attention to be given to records, to save causing such distress.
Regards, Sylvia


Registered User
Jan 31, 2004
near London
Hi chip,


If it were not a cruel thing to do, I'd take him along and leave him with the advisor for 15 minutes or so, and then return and ask "have you come up with any good jobs?"

no, I'm not really suggesting you do so, just making a point
It would take something of the sort to get through to them!

Good luck.


Registered User
Jul 19, 2005
the letter has sent my emotions everywhere

It made me so angry getting it. I don't no if i should laugh,cry,throw a tantrum or run and thats to get away from the system. I phoned up a few friends and relations their reaction was the same you should have heard them. I can't get over it. I wish he was working instead of this. I am phoning up the MSP to tell him and i feel like complianing to the jobcentre and NHS the project is also funded by the euopean union its says Europe and Scotland making it work together?
Oh it also says the working towards health team look forward to seeing you. I want to see what they will say when i tell them what the letter has done to me. How cruel could they be.
Maybe its me who will go and i will say to them what are you going to do for me. Oh i'm so so angry.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Hi Chip,

I agree, it's disgusting. Dealing with people who are disabled in any way should not be done by computer, as this obviouisly was.

I think you should let Alzheimer Scotland know. After all, it's their own local health authority!

Take care,

Tender Face

Account Closed
Mar 14, 2006
NW England
Dear Chip ....

Different circumstances, I know, but I knew I had to take action with certain financial companies' 'Marketing Departments' when my mum was getting mail-drops urging her to 'Release the equity in your home and enjoy retirement more' ..... :mad:

But THIS???? From the NHS??? Don't know what to say to help - except rant, scream, cry and tantrum all you like ....... and anything to help .....

Just so feel for you and trying to understand what you must be going through ....

Love, Karen, x


Registered User
May 24, 2006
Attach it to a letter of disgust to your MP with the request that they send it DIRECT to Gordon Brown (if you ask an MP to send it direct to a minister they HAVE TO DO SO )

That you require a reply within the standard Government 15 days

and do post both your letter and the reply on here


Registered User
Jul 19, 2005
Will this apply in Scotland ? I am going to do something i was awake most of the night thinking about it. Considering my son is unemployed and gets nothing from the job centre, and i want to work but have been severly limited by Social Services and also have to pay for care. Communication costs nothing. I am also thinking of doing a survey as well and get it to as many carers as i can. We can change this awful hurtfull system.

P,S If any of you life in Scotland i have had a lovely new purpose built respite bugalow care facility manager on the phone she said that this has been built as a home from home respite it is in Fife we have listened to carers and built this on what they want. It has 4 bedrooms so is small and its for respite they take younger people. They have a garden to wich Deer hedghoges and squirrels visit. It is in the Country but has a bus service.
I am phoning them up and reading out what my husband got and will tell them that is what i am up against.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Hi Chip

Yes it will work in Scotland, but you have to write to your MP (member of Westminster government), not MSP.

Come to think of it, you could write to your MSP too, and ask for it to be forwarded to Jack McConnell. Let's get them all involved!

The place in Fife souns good. Could you PM me the details?



Registered User
Jul 19, 2005
Well what a day ! Done nothing but complain. I phone them up and got the woman on the other end speechless. She said she was going to get Jobcentre plus to phone me up as it was them who had put him forward as he was on IB and was picked as suitable. You guessed it no phone call from them. So i phoned up the MSP and he is going to phone them and tell them to contact me. Also i had to write to the social services financil services so told him what happen there as well. I've to send the letter to MSP as well. SW told me they full charge and if you chalange it it reduce it to what it should be. That is very wrong and i told SW that. Well i've written one long letter and even told them that if my direct debit had been set up right and respite was in with it it would have made life a lot easier and this would not have happened. I've also said in the letter that this has got to stop its putting to much on unpaid carers

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