What a lovely day we had - thanks to two shop assistants


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
We went to a local(ish) popular garden centre yesterday. I needed to buy a lawnmower and look for warm jackets for us both at the farm.

In the garden centre I left OH by the lawnmowers and went to find a staff member to help us. I found one and as we walked back she asked what help we needed. I told her my OH has dementia but still wants to cut our grass so it needed to be simple, lightweight and safe. When we got back to him the assistant instantly started to ask him what sort of lawnmower did he think was best, she showed him one which he said was 'really good' and took it out of the box to show him how to put it together. She didn't rush him at all, was very calm and patient with him. She was lovely.

We then went into an outdoor clothing shop within the garden centre. The assistant there went straight up to my OH and asked if he needed any help. OH said we are looking for a jacket for my wife. I wandered back and said we needed one each, actually. OH said 'This is my wife - can you believe that?' (1st Clue). The assistant asked what the purpose of the jacket was to be. I told him it was for a Care Farm (2nd Clue) so needed to be flexible enough to work in but warm. OH then started telling the assistant all about the pig on the farm (3rd Clue). The assistant showed me the ladies jackets and I chose one very quickly. He then took us to the men's jackets and helped OH take off his jacket and helped him put one of the jackets on. He wasn't fazed when OH stated 'I don't like that'. He just said 'that's fine, we have some more over here'. He helped him put another one on and OH said 'I don't like grey' so the assistant held up two jackets, one blue, one green, and asked which one he liked. OH chose the green one. He helped him with that, doing up the zip. OH said he would have that. The assistant looked at me for confirmation - no problem. He helped OH put his jacket back on and we headed to the till. Three times OH asked him if there was any discount. Each time the assistant calmly handed him a card, told him that, unfortunately, as they were in the sale there was no further discount but if we handed the card in at any of their stores in February we would get 15% discount. I managed to hand back two cards without OH noticing, Then OH announced that he worked at a Power Station (not true but he did up to 28 years ago). The assistant said a heartfelt 'Really? That's Amazing!' As we left he said he hoped we enjoyed the next time we go to the farm and could we please give his regards to the pig.

OH walked out with a beaming smile - I was close to tears. What an amazing experience from two very good shop assistants.

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
Wow that is so great to hear! I have had some good experiences with work people coming into the house managing my husband’s ‘help’ and opinions but I would always make sure that they had been pre-warned. It’s nice to know that some people out there can just pick up on it. Unfortunately my husband’s aggressive approach to people when we are out makes that more difficult. It’s lucky he hasn’t had a punch in the face yet!

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
What wonderful compassion.

I think those assistants deserve a complimentary email to the company.


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
There are some lovely people out there. We have a few tearooms we go to, favourites because the staff are so nice and make my husband feel welcome and are aware of his needs.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
That is a great experience @Rishile . Good shop assistants make make all the difference. I remember taking my then ten year old nephew shopping when his dad was very seriously ill in hospital. The assistant asked him if he was having a nice holiday and he explained about his dad. She then told him the same thing had happened to her at a similar age and how she coped. She managed to be sympathetic and matter of fact at the same time. Exactly what my nephew needed.

Moyra C

Registered User
Mar 26, 2023
This is so lovely. I am found some lovely retail staff when out shopping with my hubby. I often have to fight back tears when they are so understanding.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
🥰🥰🥰🥰 I think those shop assistants have been down our journey to show such compassion and understanding!


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
I think I am re-finding my faith in human nature. We had another lovely day at the farm yesterday. My OH used to be able to talk to anyone about anything for hours (it drove me mad!!). Now, he rarely talks to anybody apart from me. Yesterday, after nearly six months of visiting the Care Farm, he suddenly started chatting at length with one of the support workers. I couldn't believe it. The other people that have got to know him also had beaming smiles because they had never seen him do that before. Before we all left, we were listening to some 60's music and he was singing along and joining in with the 'armchair exercises' that we decided we would do. What another lovely day.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
I think I am re-finding my faith in human nature. We had another lovely day at the farm yesterday. My OH used to be able to talk to anyone about anything for hours (it drove me mad!!). Now, he rarely talks to anybody apart from me. Yesterday, after nearly six months of visiting the Care Farm, he suddenly started chatting at length with one of the support workers. I couldn't believe it. The other people that have got to know him also had beaming smiles because they had never seen him do that before. Before we all left, we were listening to some 60's music and he was singing along and joining in with the 'armchair exercises' that we decided we would do. What another lovely day.
I am gaining vicarious pleasure from this post. I’m sure all who read it are smiling with you both!