well that was scary


Registered User
Got a call this afternoon from mums regular and absolutely fabulous carer. They had just got back from the SFTB group that mum loves and mum had suddenly become very afraid and was shaking. D was at the end of her alloted time but stayed with mum for the hour it took me to get there. Mum was still clearly upset. Mum was sure something terrible was going to happen but she didn't know what. D had tried putting on a fun dvd , chatting and hugging and comforting mum but nothing had worked. I called the gp and they agreed to see us. Mum had test for water infection and checks for blood pressure and temperature and all was ok. She had calmed down significantly by this time. From begging me not to leave her when I first got round, to waving me of as I left at 9.15 pm. I don't know if I have done the right thing. This had never happened before ands mum is always sayng she loves her flat and feels safe there.


Registered User
Did you ask the carer if anything unusual had happened at the group? It could be that something there did worry her and she has forgotten the incident but the feeling remained. Emotions, either good or bad remain after an incident has been forgotten.


Registered User
Did you ask the carer if anything unusual had happened at the group? It could be that something there did worry her and she has forgotten the incident but the feeling remained. Emotions, either good or bad remain after an incident has been forgotten.

D said everything was fine until mum got to her flats. The residents room was closed (its only open Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and mum decided she was in a tower block on her own. It was dark as we came back from the docs so I pointed out all the 'lovely' lights in the windows of her block so she could see there were other people in there. We had cups of tea and I painted her nails and she seemed much better when I left.
I didn't want to stay as I don't want to break her routine with something I just cant sustain. I work 7-5 weekdays and am round for an hour or so every weekday night and for significant time on weekends.


Registered User
well, just called mum (she usually gets up about this time) and its as nothing had happened. very chatty and in good spirits. So relieved.


Registered User
Maybe a short spell of sundowning? Had she got tired at her group?

Glad she is OK today


Registered User
I'm not sure I really understand what sundowning is. Mum is always more restless when the nights are longer.