Weird speech sounds and altered tone of voice


New member
Jul 1, 2018
Hi am new on here, My Mum has Lewy Body dementia (we’re now 3 years since onset and 2 years since it was formally diagnosed). One feature of the past 18 months or so has been echolalia – repeating words that she hears, be that in conversation with people or when watching TV or listening to the radio. As with most LBD symptoms this varies and some days is not present at all while other days it is a constant running commentary of repetition like an echo. Up until now, this has mostly been in a low volume, almost muttering under her breath, but recently the volume has increased and along with it, some very strange alterations in the pattern of speech. Mum seems to hang onto the final syllable in any sentence she speaks (whether repeating what she has heard or forming her own response in a conversation) and draw it out often in a very bizarre tone. She is repeating what she hears (on a “muddly” day, as our Dad calls it) but it is louder and in between the normal syllables of the words adding in quite loud apparently random other syllables and sounds. Mum’s pitch of voice also seems to have become quite a lot lower recently, so when she is repeating, instead of a whispered mutter it is now more like a growling sound.

This may sound like a strange thing for me to say, but I could deal with her repeating muttered speech even when it was non-stop for hours and hours, but this weird vocalisation and strange extra sounds I’m finding quite sinister and upsetting.

I just wondered if anyone else had experienced speech changes or unusual vocalisations in their loved one with LBD?


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hello @K_P, you are welcome here and I hope you find support.

I don’t have experience of this symptom but wonder if an infection, such as a UTI could be responsible.

If you don’t get any replies maybe a chat with the experts on the help line could help, details as follows

National Dementia Helpline
0300 222 11 22
Our helpline advisers are here for you.
Helpline opening hours:
Monday to Wednesday 9am – 8pm
Thursday and Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday and Sunday 10am – 4pm


Registered User
May 18, 2014
The only experience I have had with my mum who has vascular dementia was from time to time she would talk in a whisper and she did have a period of repeating everything from dialogue in tv programmes and this was irritating because I could not follow anything we watched together.