We know mum's diagnosis .. what next?


Registered User
Jul 2, 2022
This seems quite banal compared to other posts I've read and hoping this is the right forum to post ...
Our mum has recently had a letter following an assessment, giving the diagnosis of Alzheimer's.
This came as no surprise to the family who have known for a while that the mum we used to know what changing ...
she is still fiercely independent and we wouldn't want to stop that in any way.
One way she maintains this independence is driving.
However, the letter says that DVLA and her insurance company need to be informed of medical condition and she needs to do a fit to drive test. Until then it is advised she shouldn't drive.
This has caused the biggest reaction ever and mum is insisting that she will continue driving regardless and has been - "only locally" to quote mum!
We have tried to explain the situation but have been met with an emotional response.
Knowing what we know, should we inform DVLA and the insurance company? Mum has already accused us of betraying her, and conspiring against her (though we're not sure what we've done).
Any advice much appreciated - we know what is the right thing to do, but, we know it will cause such serious upset . Thank you
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Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Chunky12 I've posted on your other thread about the driving issues you are having but thought that the following booklets might be helpful to you too as they cover practical things to consider after a diagnosis such as benefits, power of attorney and support resources. There's a lot to think about when a diagnosis is received but this forum is great for getting advice, suggestions and thoughts from others who are in the same boat, or just having a vent when you need to, so keep posting.




Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@Chunky12 As well as the advice given by @Louise7 above can I suggest that you keep a note of everyone that you contact, the name of the organisation, the contact person and their contact number and email address. I started doing this after my husbands diagnosis and have found it invaluable over the years since. It was especially useful in the first few months when I was getting things in place.
You will find in the weeks and months ahead that you will have questions that you want answered and this is an amazing support group so please keep posting any time you need help.

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