Verbal Outbursts


New member
Apr 21, 2024
Hello. First time reaching out. My mom is 98 soon to be 99. She's been failing for the past year and a half, with symptoms of dementia getting stronger. She lives with me and my daughter and has for the past 22 years, when she sold her house.

Right now the hardest thing for me to take are her verbal outbursts and her insistence that there are a lot of other people living in our home which she insists is a business. Having a hard time consistently hearing her repetitive stories and complaints about how bad a place this is and just wants her money. None of which is true. I guess I need a place to vent where someone will understand.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Hello @bevk50 I am sorry to hear about your tough time with your mum. The verbal insults and hallucinations are part of her dementia, but knowing that doesn’t make it any easier! Feel free to rant anytime you want. Have you had assessments yet for your mum and for you? If not, I think it’s time as it must be wearing you down and you and your daughter need support.


New member
Apr 21, 2024
Thank you for your response. Mom has been to the doctor and is on a medication to "soften" her agitation. However it doesn't soften the words that come out of her mouth. As for me, I do have a stress prescription that I have been on for quite awhile. It keeps me leveled for the most part....but there are times that the verbal insults become too much. I pray for the strength to continue caring for Mom and my faith is helping a little.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @bevk50 and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia. You have found a place where venting is possible and understanding certain.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2023
Hello. First time reaching out. My mom is 98 soon to be 99. She's been failing for the past year and a half, with symptoms of dementia getting stronger. She lives with me and my daughter and has for the past 22 years, when she sold her house.

Right now the hardest thing for me to take are her verbal outbursts and her insistence that there are a lot of other people living in our home which she insists is a business. Having a hard time consistently hearing her repetitive stories and complaints about how bad a place this is and just wants her money. None of which is true. I guess I need a place to vent where someone will understand.
💗 Hello and welcome here

Feel free to vent - lots of understanding is here.

Unless you have treaded the path no-one can describe how hard (I feel) dementia is an illness to experience alongside your loved one(s).

You never know where you are with it or cannot predict what will be said or done sometimes , moods can turn in the blink of an eye. Words can still hurt much like a physical blow too and tend to linger in your mind.

Sometimes I tell myself this person is ill (my PWD is now living in a residential place) or I go and make a drink. I will come back and the stories are still looping.

It helps to know that there are other people on the forum who will listen with empathy and kindness so if you need to pop back then do 💗


New member
Apr 17, 2024
Hia , your not alone by any means . I get a verbal assault on a regular basis from my mum , latest one is I'm fat and my hair makes me look like a scarecrow!! 🙄. Some days she wants to go home even though she is home , some days it's not her house and she stays in her bedroom waiting for the police to come and kick her out . It's hard not to be hurt when this is the person that always looked after you But I focus on the good days get the old foto albums out and go through them with her . We behave like naughty school kids eating cake before dinner that's one she loves too . You write the rules in your journey through this disease , be kind to yourself.

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