Update re the sitters


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
As many of you will know, I have been devastated this week by the blatant disregarding of the care plan by one of the sitters. This led to me reaching breaking point and it served to highlight to myself just how fragile I actually am and how very serious the consequences can be, not only to Alan, but to myself:eek:

I woke up feeling like my normal self this morning although I am extremely tired.

I wrote to the Crossroads Care manager yesterday about that sitter who was involved in every event that led to the breakdown of a very well managed situation at home

I am actually glad though that we now have the resource of the care home whilst I'm working because this is better all round but it should never have happened in this way. I have written outlining the dates and events and consequences of this sitter not following the care plan and questioning his suitability for this kind of work. I now feel that I can let it go and move on.

All I want today is peace. I hope life is kind and doesn't throw up any problems or too many things to think about. I might actually start thinking about my respite weekend which is coming very soon. I really can't wait to be able to spread my wings a little.

HOWEVER the Care Manager rang me first thing this morning saying that she'd got my email and was taking this matter very seriously indeed. She was very well aware of how catastrophic this has been to myself and therefore Alan. She is going to have a strategy meeting together with every single person who is involved in Alan's care and all of my previous input and any further input will be paramount. I didn't have time to talk properly because I had a client due but she is going to ring me back this afternoon. Watch this space. She is also going to inform me of the steps and measures that will be taken with regard to the sitter that has been instrumental in creating such massive changes in our lives. These changes are not really in Alan's best interest but I do believe that it is now important to make the changes work in the next best interest. In other words try to make the very best of the situation and for this I am absolutely dependant upon the sitters to know Alan and his needs.

So my day isn't going to be quiet and restful but I am delighted that I have been treated with the utmost respect, care and kindness and not as a nuisance, which is what I feared.

I'll update you later on after we've had time to speak.


Matt's mum

Registered User
Jun 25, 2009
South wales
Hi Helen I hope you manage to get everything sorted with your phone call this afternoon have a peaceful and relaxing day.
Love and best wishes to you and Alan.
ally xxx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Well done Helen and well done the manager of your branch of Crossroads for giving you and Alan the respect you deserve.
I can`t wait to hear the outcome.


Registered User
May 1, 2009
Malage Spain
Glad to hear people are sitting up and taking notice and feel sure things will change for the better for both you and Alan very soon.:) Will reply to your message a.s.a.p. but am still very green when it comes to computers:(
Bobi xx


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
She has just phoned. With regard to the sitter she asked me whether I would like to take it any further. I said that I had informed them of all the events surrounding this sitter and that I do not want to have any further responsibility but would like to hand over the responsibility to them to deal with as they see fit.

Early next week she is calling a strategy meeting involving all the sitters involved in Alan's care together with his previous care manager. It will be a meeting that will make clear what is needed by each of them to effectively manage Alan's needs whilst in their care. As there are so many sitters involved, this is now being tailor packaged and he will be seeing a reduced amount of sitters covering the same sitting times. This will help continuity of care and reduce the amount of explaining and training involved with each new person.

I am now going to sit down and write up what I would like presenting at the strategy meeting. I am learning how to reduce things into their simplest format to get the maximum understanding from others.

It was a breakthrough for me acknowledging how fragile I am and how fragile our situation is and that we can only progress in the best possibe way with the right kind of help. I would not want to experience the wrong kind of help again as the consequences can be disastrous:eek:

Love to you all


Registered User
Apr 19, 2009
glad it all went well helen hopefully that has shown them you will not be messed about (power to the carers):D:D love larivy

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
so plesed it was a satisfactory outcome helen take care, i had a picture of you in my mind with a label stuck across your middle stating very fragile do not bend or drop, but i have just changed it to a different label reading, precious cargo handle with care, love pam


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Dear Helen...

I'm so pleased that you are being so well treated...and your needs are being taken into account too.

As carers it's so important to identify our own needs and to stress how vulnerable we are...

Wishing you less trouble free times ahead...:)

Love xx


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Co. Derry
Dear Gigi
I hope you mean you are wishing me more trouble free times:D:D?
Absolutely Helen - sorry been off for a few days & am sad to hear how bad it has been - thinking of you - hope when you wake things will be a little improved, xoxo, Sue