Update on mum


Registered User
Oct 22, 2008

Mum has now been in her own home for 2 weeks now and she seemed to have settled in well to the routine that the carers are giving her. She has a buzzer round her neck in case she needs help as well as a wandering alarm on the front door which is swithched on at 9pm when the last carer has gone then swithched of at 9am the next morning there is a key safe on the outside of the door. I went to see her on Saturday with my family and she seemed on good form and happy to be home she did keep repeating things and talked about my dad as if he was alive (he has been dead 30 years now) we just stayed over an hour which I felt was enough as I find it very stressful.
The only thing that I am annoyed about is the social services they phoned on Thursday night at about 9.15pm to say that the wandering alarm had gone off as I have never experienced this before I said what do you want me to do about this! They said I would have to go down and check on her I was very hesitant about this as I am on my own during the week as my husband works away from home and I have a daughter at home but as it was my mum I reluctanly said yes I was there in 15 mins when I arrived and opened the door and called up stairs she answered she was in her bed reading a book and wondered what all the fuss was about.
Then on Sunday morning at 7.10am I had just woken up when the phone went my husband answered the phone it was the social services they said to him you have to go down now the alarm has gone off he passed the phone to me and I spoke to them and they told me the same thing I made the excuse I was ill and said I could'nt go I told them to phone my Aunt who is a retired nurse and has been helping mum alot. What makes me annoyed about this is the demanding from them and the fact that they did not ask me if I wanted to be phoned they just presumed as I am the nearest as well as that my daughter has been having nightmares because of her gran and I can't leave her in the house alone as well as put her through this worry and during the week it is just me and my daughter as my husband is away all week.
Plus the fact that I think my mother would be better of in a care home but my sister who is a midwife and lives in London pushed and pushed for mum going home as well as mum her self being insistant on going home. I now since Sunday night unpluging my phone from 9pm until I leave the house at 7.30am so I don't have to speak to them. I cannot be part of this care package I have to put my daughter first although it is really hard as she is my mother. But as my brother said you have to put your family first.
