This too shall pass.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello and welcome from me too May @Mumpie to this friendly and supportive forum.
Members here really do want to help, so when you are ready, please tell us a little more about your particular situation, so that members can more readily give helpful suggestions or advice.
This is a safe space to say how you are feeling, and you will always find total understanding here.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Another welcome here from me @Mumpie.

I’m glad you’ve found this forum. You’ll always find support and understanding here.


New member
May 24, 2024
Another welcome here from me @Mumpie.

I’m glad you’ve found this forum. You’ll always find support and understanding here.
Thanks Izzy. Feeling overwhelmed atm. After caring for my mum for 6 yrs on my own through plandemic.,i now am repeating this a with mum inlaw. Im so cross with brotherinlaw and eife who lived 5 mons away from mum and dad inlaw dad died unexpectedly and they cant care for mum as they both work however i live 250 miles away i have her with me.. They have moved into her home which she could of stayed in with carers shes 92 has osteoporosis and dementia we cant get a diagnosis as she has bad anxiety and is servely deaf my fatherinlaw literally took care of everything so no cues there to go by all i have is my experience and clearly she has late stage dementia we have delusion halusanations. Trouble ke walking by the end of the day doesnt reconise us thinks she in a care home or on holiday most of the time. Shes sweet in the day mostly but another matter at night especially round the full. Moon. I am going to get a sitter for a coue of hours as ive had no time in four months to my self or with my husband he tries to help but she gets aggitated if hes doing personal care ans that sets off aa whole. Another set of problems as.y bipolar husband was hit by het as a child as back then thats eas how you dealt with naughty children unfortunately and he ckearly haf autism anyway this now. Brings back memories for him too when. She gets aggressive.. So feeling anout to burst at times but think im coping have been a crwr since i was 16 workong with all sorts of brain injurys and physical disabilities ive found it a biy easier with mum inlaw than i did with own mum but ive put work head on so to speak only way i can cope fortunately i had a fantastic teacher ans am so yhankful for that. I know kondness and love is the only u way to hwt through this. Ive only had to walk away twice in four months due to my patience runnong thin im not beating myself up overt this as mum was threatening to kick me. In the face. It amwazes me. The strength ahe gwts when in this angry mode 😳😕 rant over sorry but just writing it all down helps. Thanks x


New member
May 24, 2024
Hello and welcome from me too May @Mumpie to this friendly and supportive forum.
Members here really do want to help, so when you are ready, please tell us a little more about your particular situation, so that members can more readily give helpful suggestions or advice.
This is a safe space to say how you are feeling, and you will always find total understanding here.
Thanks x

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