This morning was terrible


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Hello @joshua garland I am sorry you are going through a bad time with your Grandmother. If you can tell us a bit more about the situation, we can offer our support. You sound like a very caring grandson.

joshua garland

New member
Apr 2, 2024
Dewy Rose Georgia
Hello @joshua garland I am sorry you are going through a bad time with your Grandmother. If you can tell us a bit more about the situation, we can offer our support. You sound like a very caring grandson.
Yes thanks my granny was diagnosed with dementia about two years ago and it's getting worse. She wakes up in the middle of the night crying looking for a little baby. I don't know what to do


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Thank you for being there, just thank you from me, her and all of us who post, thank you. K

joshua garland

New member
Apr 2, 2024
Dewy Rose Georgia
This morning was good granny sleep all night got up a time or two to use the bathroom but went right back to sleep woke up this morning at 10:00 laughing cutting up eat a good breakfast two waffles a fried egg a piece of sausage drunk a cup of orange juice half a cup of coffee and half cup of water and a little diet coke. After breakfast she laid back in her recliner took about a 39 min nap now she raring to go.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
This morning was good granny sleep all night got up a time or two to use the bathroom but went right back to sleep woke up this morning at 10:00 laughing cutting up eat a good breakfast two waffles a fried egg a piece of sausage drunk a cup of orange juice half a cup of coffee and half cup of water and a little diet coke. After breakfast she laid back in her recliner took about a 39 min nap now she raring to go.
Pleased to hear your Granny had a good night, hopefully tonight will be the same.

joshua garland

New member
Apr 2, 2024
Dewy Rose Georgia
Pleased to hear your Granny had a good night, hopefully tonight will be the same.
Thank u we have had a good day today. Granny wanted to go to McDonald's get a fishsandwhich today so we did that we got there she said she wasn't hungry lol she's been saying a lot like I'm hungry but don't know what I want it getting hard for her to make her mind up. Does your loved one do this?

joshua garland

New member
Apr 2, 2024
Dewy Rose Georgia
Ok today been good granny got up at 10:00 am est felling good cutting up ate a good breakfast two waffles piece of sausage a fried egg half a cup of coffee half cup of orange juice half a diet coke and a half cup water after breakfast she got in her recliner played a
Level of match 3D on her phone took a nap till 12:pm said she wanted a fish sandwich from McDonald's she loves going there the manager calls her by name ❤️ she loves that.

joshua garland

New member
Apr 2, 2024
Dewy Rose Georgia
I’m so sorry to hear this @joshua garland. Please tell us a little more so that members can offer you support.
Yes my grandmother I call her granny was diagnosed with dementia about two years ago I live with her and her husband my grandfather he's 85 good mind good health but he's blind in one eye my granny a papa raised me I just couldn't never leave them granny mind is getting worse and worse and I've wanted to here other people story of dealing with dementia and mabe some things to talk about and talk about medicine. Things to do not to do thanks.

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