This group is a life saver.

Darth Sideous

New member
Jun 17, 2023
My mum has had vascular dementia for over 5 years and at Christmas moved from a care home to a nursing home as she had gone downhill quickly. She is not eating and only drinking when fed; is bed bound; is underweight; thin and malnourished; sleeps; only answers yes and no and recently just nods or shakes her head. Her skin is thin and her arms and hands are red and purple.

She has been like this for 6 months. In April she was admitted to hospital with sepsis and covid and I thought this would help put an end to her suffering, but she has a strong soul and heart.

I visit every week and it is heart breaking to see her like this. She would be mortified if she knew what she is like.

My family don't really understand what my mum and I are going through. Unless you have gone through this and witnessed how it is not only for them but for you it is hard to comprehend the emotional and physical toll of it all.

It makes me feel awful to just want my mum to be at peace from this disease.

Dementia Talking Point is a life saver for me. It makes me realise I am not alone and others have and are going through what I and my mum are and it really helps. Thank you to everyone who posts and answers on this forum.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome to the forum @Darth Sideous

It`s good to know you approve :)

I really do hope you get the support you need and I know it will help you feel less isolated

Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
Many of us long for our loved one to die once his/her dementia is very advanced. I certainly did in the case of my mother and I'm not ashamed to admit it. She had no quality of life that I could see and would have been horrified at the shell of the person she once was.