The social care team and court of protection won't answer the phone or speak to us about my grandfather at all.


New member
Jun 21, 2024
My grandfather was taken ill with suspected dementia around a year ago and was plaved about 6 months ago into a home for assessment. He has since been assesed and the home told us he has no capacity however we were not contacted by the team that came to assess him to tell us this and had to spend hours on hold to try to speak to someone.

We have receieved almost no communication after this and since we are trying to sign a something called a COP3 form (??? Im not entirely sure what this is as my parents are the ones dealing with it) but we need the person who assessed him to sign it and this person seems to have vanished off the face of the earth or does not want anything to do with us.

The home has now told us that he has been given a grant which pays for his care (usually given to those with no assetts or family) and that the (council or care team?) Are most likely gojng to the court of protection to take hold of his finances. Through experiences of friends this is the worst case scenario. We know from talking to others that they will likely take funds for unnecessary things ansnrinse him for all hes worth. Which as a family we obviously want the money he has worked his life for to go to his care not a lawyer that wasnt needed in the first place. He has a bungalow and we are more than happy to sell it to pay for some if not all of his care but again no-one will speak to us.

Trying to call the court of protection came up null and my mum gave up after sitting on hold for 15 minutes each time she called. We as a family havent really dealt with a situation like this before and really need contact with both the team that are dealing with all the assessment as well as court of protection to try to figure out what the hell is going on.

We've been left in the dark about all of this and it feels as though they are acting as if my well cared for grandfather has no family at all. We visit him up to 4 times a week and even we he was living in his own home. Did everything we could to make sure he was living a happy life.

I'm mainly writing this on behalf of my parents as stated I dont have much to do with the decision as i'm only 24 and really have no ideas what to do in this situation.

If anyone has any advice or can give us some insight would be very much appreciated. Thank you.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Hi @emijb55 , this all,sounds very stressful and a call to the help line wii give you more in-depth info so I suggest that your parents give them a call.

However I can clear up a few points for you. If no one in your family has Lasting Power of Attorney for your grandad for his finances then either social services or the family need apply for deputyship. Others have more experience of this than I do.

Whoever has deputyship will the have to get his assets in order and if he has a property to sell they will have to sell it to pay for his care. This isn’t about social services rinsing him this is what has to happen by law. Any assets he has including his pensions , savings and properties will have to pay for his care if the amount is over £23,500. This link explains it all.

Social services are not always very good at keeping families involved or informed however I’m a bit surprised that they haven’t asked your parents in the first instance to apply for deputyship first. This is the preferred option and the fact they have a COP3 form would indicate they are trying to sort this out. (COP is Court of Protection)

Try not to worry too much , this will all get sorted out eventually and you can ask as many questions as you like on here along the way. Take care, Sara.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Government official and helpful website
Court of Protection email
Helpline 0300 456 4600 advisers have been very good to me
Probably worth your family applying to Court of Protection to take over Grandad's affairs as next of kin and you know his interests best.
See if you can get an hours free advice from a solicitor with a specialist in Court of Protection etc. They can put in emergency applications to scupper unwanted interference. They will advise you of costs of using their services etc.
( I think Court will allow you to to recoup costs of application etc from Grandad's resources, once guardianship granted).
Best wishes
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Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
we are trying to sign a something called a COP3 form (??? Im not entirely sure what this is as my parents are the ones dealing with it) but we need the person who assessed him to sign it and this person seems to have vanished off the face of the earth or does not want anything to do with us.

It's vey difficult to get anybody to sign a COP3 , it's not anybody's duty to sign it and most clinicians don't want the possibility of a legal battle.

Many DSF members have used an independent social worker . . .