The Results at The Memory Clinic yesterday


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
Hello to you all, Well the long awaited appointment for my husband at the memory clinic finally arrived yesterday. The Doctor told us as soon as we went in that the CT scan was very clear and left no room for doubt that he is suffering from Vascular and Altzheimers mixed. She then did various tests with him of which we will get the results when we go back in 3 months. She was a very kind, understanding Lady who answered all of our questions as best she could I wasnt expecting the Altzheimers part of the diognosis. My husband at first accepted what he was told by the Doc, but is now saying they have it wrong. Maybe this is a good thing for him as he is not in any way concerned about what the future holds or the impact it will have as time goes on. My daughter, who came with us is in a mess and so upset and I feel very very sad. I'm not quite sure why we are all feeling these mixed emotions as we all new what the outcome would be. Last night I cried and my hubby just didnt seem to even notice I was crying let alone asking me what was the matter. The Doctor has suggested the next step is an MRI scan as this will give a different picture, not quite sure what she meant. I know we are fortunate that we did not have to wait months for him to be monitored before a formal diagnosis was given. At this moment I am not sure how we will deal with this as time goes on, I feel so unhappy and frightened. But the clinic is sending somebody along to our house to have a chat. I have so many questions:confused:


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I'm so sorry to read about the diagnosis. I know it is such a shock to begin with - for all of you. It's good that someone from the clinic is coming to your house. Even though you were expecting it the reality of the confirmation is scary.

I know you said you have so many questions. It would be a good idea to write them down so you don't get flustered on the day.

Is there a local branch of the Alzheimer's Society near you? If so it might be a good idea to get in touch with them and see what help they can be. Here is the link to find out where your nearest branch would be -

Of course keep spring and browsing on TP. There's always someone around to give you a response to any question you may have.

Wishing you and your family much strength for the future. x


Registered User
Jan 17, 2014
Hi springtime. Sorry to hear about your husband. hope you get on ok with your meeting. Good idea to jot down questions you want to ask. Good luck linda


Registered User
Mar 16, 2013
Hello Springtime. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's (not vascular)a few weeks ago too. I know exactly how you are feeling. Scared, frightened, confused and loads more. I understand too how you must be feeling about your daughter's reaction as my son has reacted in the same way and that gives us even more to worry about! I try and hold onto crying until I am on my own - easier said than done sometimes - but when I have cried a little when my husband is there he, like yours, didn't really seem to notice either. I can't offer you any practical advice other than to tell you that you aren't alone in feeling like this. It's one thing to strongly suspect an outcome and, even if you have tried to prepare yourself, totally different to know it. We have to stay strong, even if we don't know how to at the moment. We'll cope somehow because we have to, just the same as so many other people on TP are doing. We'll find our own way to deal with this as time goes on, I hope.

Love xx


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
Thank you :) for your replies. It really does help so much to know that people understand exactly how I feel and helpful to read how they deal with all the various emotions. xx