The GDPR roadblock to gaining information


Registered User
Sep 4, 2023
I'm a registered carer for my mum. She is currently in hospital after a fall and I visit her twice daily.

Today, whilst one of the nurses was doing her rounds, she was visiting my mother's bed and on her computer screen my mum's record was on screen (I could see my mum's name from where I sat).

I stood up to have a closer inspection as to what the records said and the nurse moved the screen away from me and said it's not allowed for GDPR purposes.

It's the 2nd time in two months that the hospital have refused me information about my mum.

Previously, mum had been in overnight whilst I was on holiday. Her temporary private carer wasn't given any information and nor was I when I asked (GDPR was the reason given again).

They informed me that the discharge notice would be sent to the GP but it wasn't for another few weeks and I was flying in the dark as to whether mum's hospital stay necessitated any specfic attention that I wasn't being made aware of.

Has anyone else come across this?

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Do you have poa for health and welfare? If your mum is lucid she can give permission for you to know what's going on


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
I always made sure the hospital knew that I had LPA for The Banjoman, taking in a copy for them to photocopy every time he had a new admission.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
If you have LPA then this gives the doctors etc permission to talk to you, but no-one (not even the patient) has the automatic right to see their records. There are protocols to go through if you wish to do so. The ward staff should not have left the computer open with your mum records. There are times when we can sneak a peek and sometimes the doctors may show you something, but you cannot demand to see records without going through the protocols.