Thank you


Registered User
Oct 28, 2009
Thanks to everyone who replied it was lovely to hear from other people going through the same thing and your words of support have made me feel positive.
I have 5 sisters and 1 brother out of 7 of us only 3 sisters do more or less everything for mum like shopping, cleaning cooking taking her out mostly to family gatherings or for nice meals.
I am so angry at one of my sisters beacause she does'nt visit mum never does anything for her when I asked her to help us she just said she cant commit to every week as she works grrrrrr I work also I am a carerer for my married daughter who has Rhumatoid Arthritis and has lost all her mobility I also look after my grandson 4 days a week and on my only day off I visit my mum and do what needs doing.
My younger sister and I told mum yesterday she has Alzheimers it just did not register with her tried to explain simply that it is her memory she was ok about it such a relief.I cant understand how my other sister can treat mum like this.

Thanks for listening and for you kind words and your advice, I am so glad I found this site:)