Struggling to get a GP appointment for my husband


New member
Sep 27, 2023
Hi everyone, I’m new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself. My husband has been getting increasing bouts of blankness, where he can’t remember how to perform tasks like operate a computer, type in PIN numbers. When this happens he gets completely tongue-tied, and can’t speak or get any words out. He finds speaking on the phone often brings this on and is worried that he is developing dementia. This has been getting steadily worse for about 3 years now. I finally persuaded him to speak to a GP this summer, but our GP practice has installed a new AI system that has to be filled in for appointments that he just can’t manage. If you phone for an appointment, the receptionist makes you go through the form with them instead and he just can’t manage that either. So I finally tried to get an appointment for him. We finally got an appointment 3 weeks ago and the Doctor ordered bolood and stool tests and said we needed a follow-up appointment to discuss the memory issues. I tried arranging that for him a week ago and was told the Gp practice would send him one when one is available, but my husband says he hasn’t heard anything since. His problems are getting worse, and he is becoming increasingly anxious about being on his own, out and about. How do I help him to get access to our GP?


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @POW123 and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. I am glad you have found us.
I am sorry to read of the difficulties your husband is facing. It obviously will be a worry to you both, that his blankness and inability to perform routine tasks is a lead in to dementia. At least you have started discussions with the GP, but yes I agree with @nitram , I think it's time now to contact the practice manager and query where the follow up appointment is. Explain your husband's problems are getting worse, and there needs to be some urgency.
I am sorry you are having to go through all this worry and anxiety; and you certainly don't need the extra stress of trying to get a follow up appointment. Good luck.