Some good news & need to share 😊


Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
County Durham
I got a 25% discount on council tax as I was classed as a single household, I just had to show a copy of the letter from the memory clinic to the GP saying my wife had an SMI and they backdated the discount to the date of diagnosis, they sent me a cheque for the difference.
25% backdated 3 years plus my 25% discount got me pretty much a year CT free, bonus. K
That’s great, nice to actually get something isn’t it


Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
County Durham
Sick as the proverbial parrot! Moved in to care for mum in 2018. When I left my flat (unoccupied) Council told me - on the phone - that I had to carry on paying council tax on it. Stupidly I never double checked. .... SIX YEARS LATER I read this! Never heard of exemption for carers. Checked the council's website .... there it is!! First task post-Bank Holiday ....
I’m so glad you’ve seen it 😊
Two things, they may ask for proof, first time I enquired that's what they said. The form doesn’t actually ask for proof, second time I asked they said it’s not needed.
secondly, I believe there may be a limit on how many years you are allowed to claim, but, definitely worth doing.
Best of luck, let me know how you get on
PS The form is pretty simple & not long


Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
County Durham
This shows how we must ask.

We paid £6000 for a mobility bath to be installed for my husband. When we told social services, just in conversation, we found out they could have helped us.

The actual words of the social worker “ We could have done it for you Sylvia. Why didn’t you ask?”

At the time I was too stressed, exhausted and despondent to react but reading this brought it back to me.

No one offers. We must ask. If we are refused, so be it, but we will never know what help is available unless we ask.
Absolutely. I randomly came across the information in a hospital waiting room when taking someone to an appointment


Registered User
May 17, 2024
This shows how we must ask.

We paid £6000 for a mobility bath to be installed for my husband. When we told social services, just in conversation, we found out they could have helped us.

The actual words of the social worker “ We could have done it for you Sylvia. Why didn’t you ask?”

At the time I was too stressed, exhausted and despondent to react but reading this brought it back to me.

No one offers. We must ask. If we are refused, so be it, but we will never know what help is available unless we ask.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
Typical of the whole medical and social services (lack of) follow up processes. You have too chase everything by yourself once diagnosis is made. We were not made aware that dementia could follow on from Parkinsons for a start! There should be a follow up face to face appointment with hospital specialist and another with social services to explore possibilities and options. There is no perception or acknowledgement that caring for your loved one 247 365 means you're too busy, too tired or to fuddled to seek advice you don't know is there

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