Sleep and drinking


New member
Oct 17, 2023
Hello, my dad has Alzheimers and its really hard to get him to drink anything, which i gather is typical in dementia. He is also sleeping a lot, also typical of dementia. We think the lack of fluid as partly causing his sleepiness. Has anyone got any advice for how to make sure he is hydrated?


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @Lulubear . My dad slept a lot too and was definitely more confused and less responsive if he became dehydrated. Dad would sometimes drink squash rather than the tea or coffee he used to prefer and an ice lolly could help rehydrate him. I used to take the lollies out of the box and put them in the freezer so he just got one out - he’d been forgetting to put the box away and wasting loads as well as making a mess.

Jelly or juicy fruits can also help with hydration if your dad will eat these.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2024
My Mum with Alz also didn't drink hardly at all when she was at home by herself. On admission to hospital they discovered she was having problems with swallowing. Might be worth asking the GP for a referral to the speech and language team (SALT) who carry out assessments. Milk or milkshakes might be easier to swallow as they are thicker. The drowsiness could perhaps be down to dehydration or it could be due to progression of the dementia.
Having said that Mum still doesn't feel like drinking much and as she doesn't feel thirsty she needs to be reminded often.
Good suggestions from @Bunpoots


Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
County Durham
Mam never drank enough either, but I tried her with those small cartons of juice that come with a straw, she enjoyed those. I find it helps with dad now too. Sometimes they find it easier to drink more if it’s through a straw.
other things can be soups, ice lollies, tinned tomatoes with the juice, even gravy. In the summer particularly I get the packs of prepared melon & some grapes or pineapple. I put some in a small bowl & he enjoys them.
When I give him juice or a glass of water, I remind him that the doctor said he has to drink more,that often helps. Somehow the word ‘doctor’ has magical powers (at times).
I hope some of that might be helpful. Best of luck, it’s not easy


Registered User
Feb 23, 2021
My dad has also been reluctant to/ forgets to drink for some time now - we tried the jellydrops (for rehydration) but he wasn't keen. As @Graybiker mentioned, he does like little pieces of juicy fruit like satsumas, grapes, pineapple. Although he never ate sweet things before, and would pretty much only drink coffee and tea, he now seems to like squash better - the sweeter the better! Strawberry squash seems to be a favourite at the moment! Hope that helps.


New member
Oct 17, 2023
My dad has also been reluctant to/ forgets to drink for some time now - we tried the jellydrops (for rehydration) but he wasn't keen. As @Graybiker mentioned, he does like little pieces of juicy fruit like satsumas, grapes, pineapple. Although he never ate sweet things before, and would pretty much only drink coffee and tea, he now seems to like squash better - the sweeter the better! Strawberry squash seems to be a favourite at the moment! Hope that helps.


New member
Oct 17, 2023
Mam never drank enough either, but I tried her with those small cartons of juice that come with a straw, she enjoyed those. I find it helps with dad now too. Sometimes they find it easier to drink more if it’s through a straw.
other things can be soups, ice lollies, tinned tomatoes with the juice, even gravy. In the summer particularly I get the packs of prepared melon & some grapes or pineapple. I put some in a small bowl & he enjoys them.
When I give him juice or a glass of water, I remind him that the doctor said he has to drink more,that often helps. Somehow the word ‘doctor’ has magical powers (at times).
I hope some of that might be helpful. Best of luck, it’s not easy

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