Should I wake her?


Registered User
Jun 18, 2016
Just looking for a bit of advice. I go visit my mum in care home every second day sometimes more. When I get there after work (around 2:30pm) she is usually in bed sleeping. I try waking her, sometimes I’m successful, sometimes not so. Just wondered should I be waking her? I’ve also tried going at weekends and she’s sleeping. Staff at care home always say oh she’s been sitting in lounge all morning too!


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
My mum sometimes drops off mid conversation ( mostly me not so much her) . Being elderly is tiring, having dementia is tiring and having naps during the day is very common. 2.30 will have been preceded by lunch time , changing time for those who need it quite a bit of toing and froing and possibly staff change over so your mum possibly needs a kip. I do wake mum very gently and if she’s too sleepy I just sit and hold her hand for a while. She dropped off once mid visit and woke up again, thrilled to see me totally forgetting that I was already there.