Saying hello


New member
Jul 10, 2023
I'm new to the forum so just wanted to say hello. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's nearly 5 years ago and I can see him disappearing slowly but surely. He now seems to have lost most of his speech, both speaking and understanding. I've joined the forum to see how others are coping. Family are all away but good friends are helping a lot. Enjoying reading all your posts. It makes you feel you're not on your own x


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Ooh, friends, that’s wonderful, hang on to them, worth their weight in gold. Welcome to the forum, it’s a lifeline for me, helps keep me san e, always someone to share with. Understand completely about watching them slip away bit by bit. It’s heartbreaking. My OH was my soul mate and best friend, but that’s been gone a long time now I have to be very careful what I share with him, he can’t cope with ‘bad’ things and has virtually no empathy. Though strangely enough (most days) has some for me, though only about physical things. At the moment I am really under the weather with a cold/flu virus, and he keeps asking if he can do anything, offering to get drinks etc. But emotional things he doesn’t want to know, last year this was a few days from my Mum’s 95th birthday and the last few weeks of her life, but I can’t share any of that with him, but I can on here.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @kinlay and welcome to our supportive and friendly community. I am sorry to hear about your husband. There are many here who understand and empathise. Come here whenever you need support, join in conversations, find solace in sharing, or to let off steam. There's always someone who will listen.